At distances greater than 10 femtometers, the strong force is practically unobservable.
Gluons are particles that "glue" quarks together using the so-called strong force.
Mesons are sensitive to the strong force, have integral spin, and vary widely in mass.
S&T organisations are strong force in S&T community and a major actor in social activities.
It is a strong force to improve educational quality and a powerful means to achieve educational goals!
The theory has its origins in an effort to understand the strong force, the dual resonance model (1969).
Crying in their heart, with a strong force into tears a trophoblast, which is to be a growth opportunity.
But when you get them close enough, something called the strong force starts to act and pulls them together.
NPR's Anthony Kuhn reports the last of the 1600 strong force have pulled out of East Timor as their mission winds down.
In THE past year 22 soldiers from Canada's 2,500-strong force serving in Afghanistan's Kandahar province have been killed.
In THE past year 22 soldiers from Canada's 2, 500-strong force serving in Afghanistan's Kandahar province have been killed.
In this paper a new type compaction lime soil pile as strong force rammed expansion lime soil compaction pile is introduced.
School financing in the US, based on local property taxes, is a strong force for concentrating advantage across the generations.
Modern physics thinks that there are 4 kinds of force in the universe: electromagnetic force, gravitation, strong force and weak force.
In the natural world, people have discovered four kinds of forces: the electromagnetic force, the gravitation, the weak force, and the strong force.
This motif mocking taboo customs shows there exists a strong force to subvert the obsolete "conventions" and it reflects people's contempt for superstition.
The basic unified theory comprises of quantum gravity, quantum weak force, quantum electromagnetic force, quantum strong force and the super-unified theory.
A proton contains three charged quarks bound by the strong force and its radius is defined as the distance at which the charge density drops below a certain value.
Because the Shaozi is quite short and small, it is agile and has strong force of punching, thus it usually makes the opponent impossible to defend effectively.
Besides moral educational responsibility subjects such as family, school and society, culture is always the strong force to construct the value rationality of human being.
You get them closer and closer and closer and then at some point the strong force grips them together. For a moment they become helium 5, because they've got five particles inside them.
Fiction, especially science fiction, is full of magical force fields. In 2006, scientists at the University of Florida were researching a particularly strong force field on a molecular level.
This paper introduces a new multiple turret strong force sand belt grinding machine. An example for application of strong force sand belt grinding in machining of connecting rod is expounded.
For, on one hand, even for the whole mankind prevailing Hellas being of the same mind, who, however, even before was in his awareness of his identical things, by strong force is difficult things.
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威尔登集团有6 000人的销售队伍。
The Weldon Group has a 6 000 strong sales force.
威尔登集团有6 000人的销售队伍。