The installed 7G-TRONIC gearbox has a function that puts it into manual while in traffic or stuck in a jam to minimise fuel usage.
Ever been stuck in a traffic jam and wanted to mow through the cars in front of you?
THERE is nothing more frustrating than turning on to a motorway and getting stuck in a traffic jam that stretches into the distance.
If you were stuck in a traffic jam, your mobile phone could connect you to the people around you on a superficial level, letting you play games to pass the time.
If you are stuck in a traffic jam, getting frustrated never makes the other cars go any faster.
However, I do have a stash of toys that I pull out each time we're stuck in a traffic jam or are just waiting for someone or something. My waiting room toy kit consists of the following.
For example -if I am stuck in a traffic jam, I can post the details of my location on Twitter, and provide constant updates about the situation.
Situation: While John is on his way to the train station, his taxi gets stuck in a traffic jam.
If, for example, you are stuck in a traffic jam on your way to work and you let negative thoughts and rage raise your stress level.
Unfortunately the taxi got stuck in a traffic jam, and by the time I got to Waterloo, the train had just gone.
The other day, I was driving home, and I was terribly caught in a traffic jam, which kept me stuck for more than two hours!
Last June I was supposed to judge an English contest, but I got stuck in a traffic jam and missed the entire thing.
Last June I was supposed to judge an English contest, but I got stuck in a traffic jam and missed the entire thing.