She filled the containers, sealed them with a cork, and stuck on labels.
We forgive for the sake of love; we just sometimes get stuck on the way there.
For when you're stuck on a complex problem that you just can't make sense of, hop on IRC.
This is an airplane that's stuck on the runway for hours with no food or working bathroom.
I got snagged, found myself stuck on a facility gutter, and squatted there like an airy gargoyle.
In particular, several journals got stuck on the fact that the paper doesn't cite any references.
In particular, several journals got stuck on the fact that the paper doesn’t cite any references.
This gets stuck on the cell's surface and then reacts with a stain that is added to the sample.
There is no need to wait for timeout and no risk of node pings getting stuck on a busy network.
Mrs. McKinley said not to use it too much or else you might get stuck on the other side of time.
麦丽金太太说过这机器不能用得太多,否则你只能陷在你穿梭的时间中,永远也回不去了。” 特雷福回想起了莱昂内尔对他讲的话。
Now that Saab is a ship stuck on rocks, GM might not be so choosy as to who they prefer as a partner.
Too specific: It's easy to get stuck on a goal that's too specific and lose sight of the overall aim.
On the stove, a piece of paper was stuck on the front of the clock, obscuring the face: "Ignore this clock.
Q: If you were stuck on a technology deprived island, what single technology could you not live without?
It may take time, but if you're stuck on this point, repeat some of the ones above until you can get here.
The problem with newspapers is that they're stuck on the old model, where every newspaper covers everything.
Several ship brokers refer to a vast order of scrap metal stuck on America’s West Coast that was bound for China.
I was stuck on a new asphalt road as straight as any built by the Romans. Built for speed, it bypassed villages.
People are stuck on a treadmill: as they achieve a better standard of living, they become inured to its pleasures.
Picking the right font for your email,presentation,or friendly notice stuck on the office wall can be head-aching。
在发电子邮件,做演讲,甚至在写个贴在办公室墙上的友情小提醒时,都需要选择一种字体。 如何选择恰当的字体成了让人头疼的事情。
If you're stuck on a problem and can't find the answer, one of the best things you can do is to "look away" for a while.
Hedge funds could short financial stocks and then bid down the prices of CDOs stuck on Wall Street's balance sheets.
Natural selection is like a robot that can only climb uphill, even if this leaves it stuck on top of a measly hillock.
A network of 124 electrodes stuck on the scalp and face of each baby also recorded brain activity during the experiments.
Parents passed the cars down to their children, confident it wouldn't leave them stuck on the side of the road somewhere.
There are some rough spots here and there; for example, every now and then the 4s's camera app gets stuck on its startup screen.
You still acknowledge the fact that something might go wrong but you don't get stuck on it (as opposed to negative realism).
It is currently in the early stages of development and the prototype on show at DHK shows lines that are stuck on one colour.
It is currently in the early stages of development and the prototype on show at DHK shows lines that are stuck on one colour.