Honestly, if we got stuck in the rut of “hi”, “hello”, “how are you?” and “what's going on?” you will fail to give the initial jolt to the conversation that's can make it so memorable.
Honestly, if we got stuck in the rut of "hi", "hello", "how are you?" and "what's going on?" you will fail to give the initial jolt to the conversation that's can make it so memorable.
Honestly, if we got stuck in the rut of "hi", "hello", "how are you?" and "what's going on?", you will fail to give the initial jolt to the conversation that's can make it so memorable.
How many of you have a written contract, stuck with a magnet on the fridge, telling you when you're supposed to tidy up?
Honestly, if we got stuck in the rut of "hi", "hello", "how are you?" and "what's going on?", you will fail to give the afraid to ask more personal questions.
And if you find yourself stuck on the way to work tomorrow, spare a thought for the Inner Mongolia coal truck driver who may not be home until mid-September.
You might get $30 per piece, but it all adds up, It is a rich area and people simply drop things, or their jewellery falls on the street, and it gets stuck in the mud or the gum.
If you miss a day, feel discouraged, or get stuck, report it so your friends can cheer you on and encourage you.
Have you ever started on a particular task, only to end up feeling overwhelmed or bewildered? Sometimes, it's a mistake to jump straight into a particular piece of work – you'll soon end up stuck.
If you were stuck in a traffic jam, your mobile phone could connect you to the people around you on a superficial level, letting you play games to pass the time.
Don't waste your energy dwelling on anger, resentment or disappointment. It only keeps you stuck in the past and holds you back from moving forward in your life.
The human brain is wired to create patterns, so if you constantly focus on worries, fears and problems your brain gets "stuck" looking for the negative and has no resources left to seek the positive.
It may take time, but if you're stuck on this point, repeat some of the ones above until you can get here.
You still acknowledge the fact that something might go wrong but you don't get stuck on it (as opposed to negative realism).
When you set up an CVS repository, you have to be very careful about choosing the exact location of each file because from that point on you're pretty much stuck with it.
Q: If you were stuck on a technology deprived island, what single technology could you not live without?
Etta was supposed to go grocery shopping when the storm hit. So you were stuck reading old Reader's Digests for three days, living on sardines and ramen noodles.
If you're stuck on a problem and can't find the answer, one of the best things you can do is to "look away" for a while.
You know, on World of Warcraft, there's 70 now going-on 80 levels You can bang off the first levels in an afternoon 9 But to get from level 68 to 69 some people get stuck for a week All right?
Whether you're stuck in a rut, affected by the weather or just generally feeling bad about yourself there are things you can do that may help you get back on track.
Use a remote device so that you can change slides easily on the screen without having to be stuck behind a computer.
When you get stuck and are short on insight, take time to step back from the fray to reflect on how any why you are changing.
Mrs. McKinley said not to use it too much or else you might get stuck on the other side of time.
麦丽金太太说过这机器不能用得太多,否则你只能陷在你穿梭的时间中,永远也回不去了。” 特雷福回想起了莱昂内尔对他讲的话。
You are not stuck, like you are there, to one dimension of going back and forth on what we call the air track.
For when you're stuck on a complex problem that you just can't make sense of, hop on IRC.
When you stuck in fear and inaction it’s very easy to just focus on the negative aspects such as it being hard work or the risk of pain or failure.
When you stuck in fear and inaction it’s very easy to just focus on the negative aspects such as it being hard work or the risk of pain or failure.