About 4,000 foreign students are studying at Waseda and many of them hope to work for Japanese companies, according to Ryuichi Okuyama, associate director of the Academic Affairs Division at Waseda.
据早稻田大学教务处副主任ryuichi Okuyama说,大约有4,000名外国学生正在该大学学习,他们中的许多人希望为日本企业工作。
About 4,000 foreign students are studying at Waseda and many of them hope to work for Japanese companies, according to Ryuichi Okuyama, associate director of the Academic Affairs Division at Waseda.
据早稻田大学教务处副主任ryuichi Okuyama说,大约有4,000名外国学生正在该大学学习,他们中的许多人希望为日本企业工作。