And a few small studies done in people show it may help you recover more quickly from flu.
She added that the results were consistent with the findings of most studies done in the United States and Europe.
And a few small studies done in people show it may help you recover more quickly from flu. But scientists caution that further study is needed.
Although there are many studies done in English listening strategies in China, research on College English teaching mode seems insufficient.
Studies done in North Carolina and elsewhere suggest that collective bargaining only increases state worker salaries by about 5 percent or 6 percent.
All of studies done in this dissertation are derived from practical problem encountered in the research project, and they have great value in engineering application.
In about 30 other studies done in Europe, New Zealand and the U.S., patients with brain tumors have not reported using their cellphones more often than unaffected people.
In about 30 other studies done in Europe, New Zealand and the U. S., patients with brain tumors have not reported using their cellphones more often than unaffected people.
Even if such studies were done, they could only clarify our understanding of the role of REM sleep, not sleep in general.
The answer is "yes", but it may be tough for you to break into the world of high-tech at first, and anything you have done relating to computers in addition to your studies will be to your advantage.
Those studies were done in cancer cells grown in the lab, not in living animals (in vivo).
Although Simon has done well in his studies, he still works really hard.
Many studies have been done over the years on various aspects of Web and interface design, and the findings are valuable in helping us improve our work.
In Wales, where most of our studies have been done, energy crops would most likely replace sheep grazed leys which are classed as "permanent" pasture.
He said resources should be switched away from these highly expensive studies, which in his view have now done their job.
We felt we should repeat studies that we had done in 1991, which showed no change in the age of puberty, to see if we were now experiencing this phenomenon.
我们感到有必要继续我们在1991年就已经做过的研究。 尽管那时候的研究显示欧洲儿童的青春期年龄没有变化,但现在不知道我们这是不是也有肥胖的问题。
For example, studies have been done on windbreaks in parts of West Africa.
The latest example of such a paper, in press in WIREs Climate Change, reviews a number of studies that have been done since 2007.
Repeat -dose oral studies were done in mice, rat, dog and monkeys lasting up to 13, 86, 52 and 26 weeks duration respectively.
Our initial studies were done with simple sketched ICONS in black-and-white ink on paper.
While many studies have examined hibernation in mice and hedgehogs, little research has been done into the same condition in larger mammals such as bears.
They further found that one of the machines they used to test samples also had been contaminated with XMRV in studies they had done months before the current analysis.
"Most of the work has been done on birds and other terrestrial animals, " he says, adding that a lot of that work has been artificial experiments, not studies of creatures out in the wild.
A few such studies have been done in the past, but each time with a tiny sample of one or two patients.
A few such studies have been done in the past, but each time with a tiny sample of one or two patients.