Speaking of the ways to study a foreign language, different people have different opinions on this.
I know a woman who's been complaining for years that she hasn't got the time to study a foreign language.
Voice output is used as a reinforcement tool forlearning, such as to help students study a foreign language.
If they study a foreign language in an early age, they would be bored and inimical which may do harm to their learning and growth.
Anglophones often complain that they would study a foreign language, if only they, like the rest of the world, knew which to choose.
Young people hoping to do a degree at a prestigious university may find themselves having to study a foreign language until at least the age of 16.
To master a foreign language like English requires hard work, so you can't study too hard.
Recalling the passion of study on campus, she said: "When you want to express your idea by a foreign language without finding a right way, you're really upset."
The best way to learn a foreign language is to go work or study for a few years in a country where this foreign language is the mother tongue of the people there.
The cons: one study finds that the earnings bonus for an American who learns a foreign language is just 2%.
The essay makes a study of the restriction of cultural factors on, and the essential features of, foreign language teaching and the necessity of changing the concepts of the work.
The cons: one study finds that the earnings bonus for an American who learns a foreign language is just 2%.
The research method with corpus as its basis provides a new angle of view for language study and foreign language teaching.
Most of the foreign teachers are recruited because of the need of teaching, the language teaching is more special, and the context of foreign language has a better effect on the study.
This study will definitely not only improve the research and development of artificial intelligence and machine translation but also be of great help with teaching Chinese as a foreign language.
In a word, the study tried to explore new teaching notions and methodologies, gradually find out a teaching way to adapt to China Conditions on foreign language teaching.
Considering the nature of language and the circumstances of foreign language learning, the study of culture in the foreign language classroom appears to be a matter of greater importance.
Concerning the study of a foreign language, we have to emphasize speaking, reading and writing.
Many vocational students in universities neglect foreign cultural study while learning a foreign language in order to save time and energy, but they just get the opposite to what they wish.
A comparative study of their similarities and differences is beneficial not only to the teaching of foreign languages and translation, but also to our language communication.
This thesis reports on a study investigating self-efficacy of Japanese and Korean students in learning Chinese as a foreign language.
Just as learning maths you have to count, it is impossible for you to avoid translation when study foreign language. That 'a why I am passionately fond of translation.
The study of a foreign language was set in order to improve communication among different countries; those countries establish a universal language as an international way of communication.
This thesis reports a contrastive study of Cooperative Learning in Foreign Language Learning Environment.
So, once you have decided to learn a foreign language, you really should study it every day.
So, once you have decided to learn a foreign language, you really should study it every day.