Studying at university will only become less attractive if employers shift their focus away from where someone went to university—and there is no sign of that happening anytime soon.
When I was studying at university, I was diagnosed with anaemia, but now I'm fine.
I'm now studying at university, learning about international relations and I feel like a different person.
Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school.
Xiao Hong: I was studying at university in Inner Mongolia at that time; Mr. Tuo Musi used many pictorial stones of Han Dynasty for reference in his oil paintings, which inspired us greatly.
Perhaps the reason why so many universities offer their students so little is they know studying at a top university remains a brilliant investment even if you don't learn anything.
For example, in the 1970s, Lesley Rogers, now at the University of New England in Australia, was studying memory and learning in chicks.
Fu Yu, a 23-year-old studying at Bonn University in Germany, said watching subtitled dramas introduced him to a new world.
He's studying at Sydney University.
I had one year left at school, and I was interested in studying medicine at university.
Now Ted is studying geography at Rochester University and using the Internet to complete his high school studies.
William and Middleton met in 2001 while studying together at the University of St. Andrews.
After studying physics at Oxford University, Hawking had begun his first year of research work at Cambridge when he was diagnosed with motor neurone disease.
Audiejaitis, who is studying Japanese at Vilnius University, has staged several exhibitions in the city. Those images focus on the daily life of Vilnius.
The boy who asked the question should have been studying at a university; instead, he was working in a soap factory, the biggest and probably the only soap factory in the state.
My old friend Nikki Alexis was studying English, French, and Russian at Patrice Lumumba University.
In 1965, she met her future husband in Cambridge, England, where she was studying English and he was enrolled at university.
Professor Bill Amos at Cambridge University has also been studying the genetic basis of human disease.
Mr Obama, who was born to a Kenyan father and an American mother, moved to Indonesia when he was seven – after his mother married an Indonesian man she met while studying at the University of Hawaii.
He is now studying at Bowie State University in Bowie, Maryland, and majoring in psychology.
Mr Obama, who was born to a Kenyan father and an American mother, moved to Indonesia when he was seven -after his mother married an Indonesian man she met while studying at the University of Hawaii.
Miss Todd made the black and gold dress while studying fashion and textiles at the University of the West of England in 2000.
Zuckerberg and Chan started seeing each other when they were both studying at Harvard University.
Crick's scientific career was delayed by wartime work designing mines, and at the time he was studying for his Ph.D. at Cambridge University and was not supposed to be working on DNA at all.
The groom, Henry Hager, is a graduate of Wake Forest University and is studying for a Masters in business at the University of Virginia.
A police report said the missing men were studying at Algonquin and Carleton University.
Terry was studying human evolution at the university. He excelled in his studies.
Terry was studying human evolution at the university. He excelled in his studies.