FAO estimated 37 percent of children suffered from stunting.
We see severe malnutrition and stunting side-by-side with obesity.
Stunting can have many causes, but iodine deficiency is a prime culprit.
Maternal depression was associated with early childhood underweight and stunting.
Poor health and stunting caused by malnutrition often prevent or delay enrolment in school.
Another two countries come within 2 percentage points of the target prevalence of stunting.
Malnutrition is rife: 6 out of 10 children show signs of stunting, and are vulnerable to disease.
Stunting in children under five years of age has decreased globally from 40% to 27% over the same period.
Very few children do weight lifting as a leisure activity because of a great fear of stunting their growth.
The phytochemicals present in fruits and vegetables protect the body by stunting the growth of malignant cells.
Growth plate fractures and bone infections in children can cause stunting of growth that results in discrepancy.
Vast fortunes were spent to ensure that corporations were allowed to operate without profit-stunting restrictions.
But it also might err by withdrawing reserves too quickly, thereby stunting the recovery and leading to deflation.
In terms of food utilization, the NFCS showed that stunting in children decreased from 21.6% in 1999 to 18% in 2005.
What makes the stunting of children's lives and bodies more shocking in Peru's case is that the country is enjoying a boom.
Stunting is not genetic: a study by the World Bank found that Mayans in southern Mexico are taller than those over the border.
That, critics say, will curtail bank lending, further stunting the country's anaemic growth (expected to be 0.4% of GDP this year).
We are stunting their growth if we tell them that there is only one "right" way to get through their education or to get through life.
Emotional intelligence is compromised, 26 stunting healthy self-expression: the more Good girls try to be, the more they must 27 discredit themselves.
Subanalysis of three longitudinal studies showed a stronger effect: the or for underweight was 2.2 (95% CI: 1.5-3.2) and for stunting, 2.0 (95% CI: 1.0-3.9).
三项纵向研究的再分析表明影响较强:体重不足的相对危险度为2.2(95%可信区间CI: 1.5 - 3.2),发育不良危险度为2.0(95%可信区间CI: 1.0 - 3.9)。
Absolute and relative socioeconomic inequality in stunting was measured by means of the slope index and the concentration index of inequality, respectively.
All countries are on track when underweight is used to assess progress towards the target prevalence, but only 6 of them are on track when stunting is used instead.
Whether countries are determined to be on track to meet the nutritional component of MDG 1 or not depends on the choice of stunting versus underweight as the indicator.
Although rainfall throughout Ethiopia had been erratic in 2008 and 2009, the stunting and goiter I saw were signs of chronic malnutrition, which had clearly existed for many years.
尽管08 - 09年,在埃塞俄比亚时有降雨,但是我看到,长期营养不良引起的身材矮小及甲状腺肿大,很明显已经存在了许多年。
Researchers say that rising global temperatures and changes in weather patterns have knock-on effects which are already stunting the growth of a wide range of species, the Daily Telegraph reported.
Researchers say that rising global temperatures and changes in weather patterns have knock-on effects which are already stunting the growth of a wide range of species, the Daily Telegraph reported.