As for personal usage, the Blackberry is a sturdy and reliable phone.
The village has always maintained a sturdy independence.
The decline started in the 1950s, when manufacturing generated a sturdy 28% of the national income, or gross domestic product, and employed one-third of the workforce.
A fiery steed is not trained in a courtyard, nor does a pine grow sturdy in a greenhouse.
One yearns for a full-blooded, sturdy, and capable personality; these are all so many shadows, flitting about, out of touch with the world.
A test ride found these sturdy steeds were not made to go fast, but they felt safe and comfortable.
One obvious risk to a sturdy recovery is the looming effect of tighter fiscal policy.
In the first phase of construction, laboratory workers remove the thin, sturdy membrane, embedded with a net of blood vessels, that encases the brain.
The result is a sturdy persistence framework that allows you to carry out transactions declaratively.
Two men can chop down even a thick, sturdy rosewood tree in an hour. Then it requires teams of 15 or 30 or 50 to pull the logs through the muddy up-and-down of the vine-covered woodland.
Keep your camera motionless by using a sturdy tripod and a shutter release cord.
They are asked to build a tall and sturdy tower using the smallest possible number of snap-together Lego bricks.
He imagined building a boat of his own, something simple but sturdy that could at the very least make its way across the gulf to Saudi Arabia.
If rocks and debris are approaching, run for the nearest shelter and take cover (if possible, under a desk, table, or other piece of sturdy furniture).
The 710 Warrior is a more sturdy version of the company's well-known PackBot, and is capable of carrying payloads of about 150 pounds.
The carbon atoms in a diamond form "3-D" bonds with their neighbors, resulting in a sturdy, pyramidlike, repeating crystalline structure.
Indeed, with no other form of transportation on Iona, I count on my sturdy legs and a bit of discipline to get me from one place to another.
To Microsoft "s dismay, it is fast becoming what is known as a computing platform — a sturdy base upon which programmers can build software applications."
DNA is a sturdy molecule, so samples of fish taken anywhere along the trip from ocean to fork can be tested.
In Misrata, which withstood a three-month siege and is the country's third city, similarly sturdy groups have been formed.
A sturdy thermos is ideal for hot coffee or soup, and it'll hook onto your backpack or book bag.
When woven together, as they would be in policies ranging from the Monroe Doctrine to the Marshall Plan, they were the warp and woof of a sturdy foreign policy.
Multi-purpose travel towels packed like pills. Simply pop one out, soak with a little water and the pill instantly transforms into a sturdy towel.
Strong sturdy sandals can be a good replacement for boots and you can find those guide books at a much cheaper rate with a little budget shopping.
One of the best places to shop for reasonably priced kitchenware is in a hotel-and restaurant-supply house where object are sturdy, professional, and made for hard use.
Say the word 'cactus,' and many people get a mental picture of a thick, straight up trunk with rounded tip, and sturdy branches curving to the vertical in a candelabra effect.
She said the companies should already have been aware of the dangers of dealing with Sturdy Products after a previous investigation in 2007 uncovered similar problems.
They worked with hand trowels, a plywood form for lining the shaft with concrete, inch by inch, and a sturdy hand-built crank for lowering a man to the bottom and sending up buckets of sand.
They worked with hand trowels, a plywood form for lining the shaft with concrete, inch by inch, and a sturdy hand-built crank for lowering a man to the bottom and sending up buckets of sand.