A huge variety of fish, including cod, bream, mussels, salmon and sturgeon, is being farmed, providing food for people all over the world.
Roe of beluga sturgeon usually from russia; highly valued.
Fishermen catchas many as 3, 000 sturgeon by mistake every year.
The giant Chinese river sturgeon breeds at Changshu, on theYangtze River.
Other endangered species are the Chinese alligator and the Yangtze River sturgeon.
除此之外,未在此列的濒危物种还有扬子鳄和中华鲟。 /其中还没有包括濒临灭绝的扬子鳄和中华鲟。
The Caspian holds a great amount of sturgeon, which yield eggs that are processed into caviar.
"Humans can have an effect very quickly and very easily on the sturgeon population," Hale said.
Watch for the Full Sturgeon Moon to climb over your southeast horizon shortly after sunset.
"It isn't necessarily a bad thing for the sturgeon. It probably doesn't have a cost," Hale said.
Understanding how a pathogen or humans are affecting the sturgeon could be key to conserving them.
The sturgeon is also highly sensitive to increased noise on the river caused by growing traffic.
We were told that sturgeon boiled in millet congee (a kind of porridge) was a typical Shanxi dish.
A subspecies of the Atlantic sturgeon, Gulf sturgeons are found in the coastal rivers of the Gulf of Mexico.
It can take up to 20 years for a Beluga Sturgeon to reach its maximum size and they can weigh up to 2 tonnes.
Caviar, sometimes called black caviar, is a luxury delicacy, consisting of processed and salted sturgeon roe.
Sturgeon told the Scottish parliament this morning that hospitalisation rates were similar to those in the US.
Examples include the golden eagle and the sturgeon. Both are occasionally seen in England but no longer breed here.
Next, DeWoody and Hale would like to determine the effect - if any - the Trichomonas parasite has on lake sturgeon.
A supposed sheep's milk cheese was actually from cows. And alleged sturgeon caviar was just cheap Mississippi paddlefish eggs.
The reserve is home to 180 different fish species, including the already endangered Chinese sturgeon and the finless porpoise.
Today the sturgeon is endangered, so most bladders are harvested from other species of fish including the Vietnamese catfish.
Writings from the 17th century record that boats were often surrounded by huge schools of cod, salmon, striped bass and sturgeon.
Writings from the17 th century record that boats were often surrounded by huge schools of cod, salmon, striped bass and sturgeon.
Coefficient of similarity about serum protein show that Chinese sturgeon is more similar with Amur sturgeon compared with Huso sturgeon.
The main products comprise premium feeds for EEL, turtle, bullfrog, shrimp, crab, sturgeon, and snack feeds for pet fishes, pets, and baits.
The Scottish health secretary, Nicola Sturgeon, said public health tactics had changed after it emerged the virus was spreading uncontrolled.
It is the largest catfish in North America and the third largest obligate freshwater fish in North America, behind the lake sturgeon and paddlefish.
A transparent almost pure gelatin prepared from the air bladder of the sturgeon and certain other fishes and used as an adhesive and a clarifying agent.
A transparent almost pure gelatin prepared from the air bladder of the sturgeon and certain other fishes and used as an adhesive and a clarifying agent.