This will expose a smaller submenu.
It has been moved to the Filters submenu.
The latter causes a submenu to appear.
Add additional menu commands to the submenu menu.
Here you can set the colors and the font of the submenu.
Determines whether the specified menu item opens a submenu.
They indicate that there is a submenu for certain commands.
A submenu item of the root menu item has a depth of 1, and so on.
Retrieves a handle to the submenu activated by the specified menu item.
When you choose one of the menus, a submenu appears with other options.
When the number of options is large, consider placing the options in a submenu.
While holding down the CTRL key, click the menus or submenu commands you want.
Right click the iTunes software and select “get package contents” from submenu.
右键iTunes软件,在菜单中选择“获得压缩包(get packagecontents)”
To run the application, right-click the Faces JSP and choose the Run on Server submenu.
为运行应用程序,右击FacesJSP并且选择RunonServer 子菜单。
Since we do not need a submenu structure, a menu for the menu contribution is not required.
Tap a menu item will expand the submenu for that item, displaying the Settings that can be toggled.
Typically, clicking an item on a menu opens a submenu or causes an application to carry out a command.
The shape of a Flow shape widget can be changed by right clicking and using the "Edit Flow shape" submenu.
Likewise, disabling a menu item that has submenu items hides the submenu items, but does not disable them.
It allows you to easily disable unwanted menu items, so this' New 'submenu will display only the items that you need.
You can see it more If you click the Double Triangles Button (on the lower left) and then try the connections submenu.
When a menu item is selected to display an MDI child window list, the list is displayed as a submenu of the menu item.
To create a Tomcat project, go to the "File" menu, choose the "New" item, and choose "project" from the submenu. Then do the following.
After input it confirm the parameter is right press the return key on the lower corner to return to the store and take off submenu.
After input it, confirm the parameter is right, press the return key on the lower corner to return to the store and take off submenu.
When users right-click on the Windows desktop, they see a New menu choice that contains a submenu with common file types that a user can create.
Freeze. Makes the current transformations on the selected objects be the objects' zero position. You can select Translate, Rotate, Scale, or All from the submenu.
The remaining ones will be displayed on the submenu itself: the third one on group1 and the last two on group2, but only one of them will be visible for a given project.
After the final response, the Create Cluster Member submenu is displayed again, this time indicating with an arrow (->) which step is next; in this case, step 2 (Line 13).
输入最后的响应之后,再次显示CreateClusterMember 子菜单,这一次箭头 (->) 指向下一步;在这里是步骤 2(第 13 行)。
After the final response, the Create Cluster Member submenu is displayed again, this time indicating with an arrow (->) which step is next; in this case, step 2 (Line 13).
输入最后的响应之后,再次显示CreateClusterMember 子菜单,这一次箭头 (->) 指向下一步;在这里是步骤 2(第 13 行)。