It is good for programmers to subscribe to a blog or magazine that discusses market trends and needs for the market that he or she is serving.
Twitter is based on the concept that people broadcast to others and subscribe to others' broadcasts as they would to a magazine.
It is more like a digital news-stand than a personalised magazine: users can subscribe to various publications, but must read each one separately instead of seeing all their stories together.
National geographic is a very prestigious geographical magazine in America and also across the world. I hope we can subscribe to it in China in the near future.
It is time beloveds to live your truths, not just subscribe to them as you do a magazine or favorite website.
Shameless plug: If you want to subscribe to a great science magazine written by women - and who wouldn't?
We need a specialized magazine about housing decoration, so we have decided to subscribe the monthly 100-page magazine "Your Family" based on 3 positive reasons.
Thousands of fans subscribe to pop music fanzine. ( a magazine produced by and for enthusiasts of a specific field or person, esp in pop music.
某一领域如音乐等的爱好者或某个名人的崇拜者创办的杂志,或为其创办的 杂志。
Thousands of fans subscribe to pop music fanzine. ( a magazine produced by and for enthusiasts of a specific field or person, esp in pop music.
某一领域如音乐等的爱好者或某个名人的崇拜者创办的杂志,或为其创办的 杂志。