Our subscription model is priced from 1 to 15 users and beyond.
It is an attempt to fuse a subscription model with one supported by advertising.
For example, EverQuest also employs this model in conjunction with the subscription model.
Hulu concurs with that, it needs to evolve to have a meaningful subscription model as part of its business.
The subscription model usually works when the app is sold through a phone operator or content aggregator portal.
Another common complaint is that applications can only be sold for a one-time free, rather than a recurring subscription model.
founded in 2009, is delivering food and other pet supplies on a new subscription model that relies on regularly scheduled deliveries.
With the rapid maturing of platforms and the variety of payment platforms, the most proven business formula is the subscription model.
The Membership or Subscription model refers to the revenue model that pertains to an established user account with specific terms for usage.
Event handling: an incoming message for an event is distributed to a number of endpoints, usually through a publication and subscription model.
For now, manufacturing costs for eReaders are still relatively high, but publishers could subsidize eReaders through a subscription model, for example.
Business Services Subscriber Manager is a Web-based console that manages business service entitlements using an organizational enrollment and subscription model.
There are four models of electronic document delivery systems: automatic model, human assisted model, network access model and network subscription model. 8 refs.
Its use of a subscription model comes at a time when CD profits are lagging and larger social-networking sites are negotiating with record labels to incorporate music streaming.
Later this year, regulators willing, NBC's stake in Hulu will transfer to its new parent, the cable giant Comcast - one of the very companies that is seeking to preserve the TV subscription model.
Subscription based cloud computing model becomes a fixed cost to a controllable service of many business oriented strategy models.
Subscription businesses like Netflix or our own Safari Books Online are a variant on the e-commerce model, a variant that has been extraordinarily successful, and now becoming even more so.
Peer groups and subscription-based multicast applications will be a major model for the smart wireless applications of the future.
Opt-in subscription to advertising as part of a user's social stream is likely to be a very important model in making social media financially viable.
Houghton's model relies on studies suggesting that free papers are downloaded and cited more often than papers available only by subscription.
It depends on what your business model is — subscription vs. advertising.
The E commerce models of digital library to information users include subscription based sales model, pay per view model, online compliment model and pre paid model.
Subscription revenue model is the customer must pay the subscription price of the product/service access.
For example of major types revenue models include: Advertising revenue model, Sales revenue model, Subscription revenue model, Transaction fee revenue model, Affiliate revenue model.
Fist, we propose a data model that can implement automated subscription decomposition supporting semantic equivalence.
In this paper, the authors propose some principles and procedures, and then design a mathematical formula to establish a model for the subscription of journals in foreign languages.
In this paper, the authors propose some principles and procedures, and then design a mathematical formula to establish a model for the subscription of journals in foreign languages.