Agriculture consists largely of subsistence farming and animal husbandry.
fishing and subsistence farming, by contrast, are reminders of a backward past.
Those not pressganged into road construction at meagre wages live by subsistence farming and fishing.
The effects can still be seen today, with around 70% of Cambodia's workforce employed in subsistence farming.
Increases in malnutrition are expected to be especially severe in countries where large populations depend on rain-fed subsistence farming.
Rwanda's dependence on traditional subsistence farming meant that the only way to grow more food was to move onto ever more marginal land.
Subsistence farming may, indeed, yield only $200-300 per hectare but paying that sum to the locals will not give them shops in which to buy food.
The most vulnerable people are world's poorest, 70 per cent of whom depend on subsistence farming, fishing or pastoralism for income and food.
Natural resources were protected: Uncontrolled grazing, subsistence farming, fuel wood gathering and cultivation of crops on slopes had left huge areas of the Plateau devastated.
Because in many cases, the plantations own the most fertile land (which was most often acquired unscrupulously) and the local people won't survive from subsistence farming alone.
Its broad, international coverage includes feedlot systems, transport, subsistence farming systems and the contribution of cattle production systems to land, air and water pollution.
Poor soils, uneven terrain, and a severe climate led to typical "subsistence" farming, the growth of only those crops necessary for family maintenance.
In the past, farming was almost entirely a subsistence affair with little grown except for maize, and the granaries visible from the road show that this remains the staple food.
They also do not have decision-making authority over the use of the land or property on which they once lived or worked through either subsistence or commercial farming.
The Mekong is the beating heart of landlocked Laos, with 80 per cent of her seven million people subsistence-farming near the river (this I discovered from the Footprint guidebook, not the deck).
Poor soils, uneven terrain, and a severe climate led to typical "subsistence? Farming, the growth of only those crops necessary for family maintenance."
Poor soils, uneven terrain, and a severe climate led to typical "subsistence? Farming, the growth of only those crops necessary for family maintenance."