The quality of the subtraction image was improved and computation time was reduced by selecting edge pixels as triangular control points.
Our results show significant improvement in calculation speed using the cross template while the quality of the resulting subtraction image remains high.
In order to improve the accuracy of the measurement of superposition hole, an approximate solution based on image subtraction technique to identify the superposition holes was put forward.
The basic principle and some useful methods of real-time image subtraction are described in this paper.
In digital subtraction angiography, registration techniques were frequently used to reduce motion artifact in subtracted image because of patient motion.
Purpose: To compare the value between bone image of dual energy subtraction (DE) with direct digital radiography and bone scintigraphy in diagnosing rib lesion.
With a phase grating located at Fourier frequency plane, optical image subtraction is obtained as a result of the coherent superposition of the zeroth and the first order of the diffracted light.
In order to overcome the lack of sensitivity of light change, combining the adaptive background subtraction with the symmetrical differencing obtains the integrity foreground image.
A new cross template was applied to the problem of image registration in digital subtraction angiography.
In view of the faults of traditional method, a new background subtraction method for video image sequence is proposed.
On the basis of two kinds of image models in color space, shadows of objects have been detected by background subtraction approach.
The key of background subtraction is to extract and update the background image adaptively in changeable road environment affected by all kinds of factors such as weather and illumination condition.
The algorithm can quickly and precisely mark the moving object and its trail by functions of image enhancement, morphological operation, and interframe background subtraction.
Project frames with motion parameters, and the intersection of two subtraction results of neighbor frames will give the moving object area. Last we can calculate the panorama image.
Two methods of initial estimates are proposed: (1) using real time image subtraction scheme and a micro motion compensation mechanism to take zero constantly as initial estimates;
对相关迭代算法中的初值估计问题进行了研究,提出两种初值估计方法:(1 )利用“实时相减”和“精密调节”相结合的方法而获得零初值;
Two methods of initial estimates are proposed: (1) using real time image subtraction scheme and a micro motion compensation mechanism to take zero constantly as initial estimates;
对相关迭代算法中的初值估计问题进行了研究,提出两种初值估计方法:(1 )利用“实时相减”和“精密调节”相结合的方法而获得零初值;