The simplest definition of success is to set out to do something and to succeed in doing it.
Keep trying and encouraging yourself as you learned to walk if you want to succeed in doing something.
If you cannot succeed in doing monarch, don't let me do the warriors of failure.
It's no use saying: "We are doing our best." You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary.
Remember compliments you receive. Forget the insults. If you succeed in doing this, tell me how.
It is no use saying "we are doing our best". You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary.
It is no use saying, 'We are doing our best.' You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary.
When you succeed in doing one thing, don't wait for the enjoy honor, should be to do those who need it.
Chapters 6 through 9 discuss how to organize and run open source projects and how to succeed in doing it.
By fighting over these differences, all they succeed in doing is wasting their time and harming their marriage.
Takizawa Zexi Ya will provide practical guidance to help you succeed in doing business with Westerners, and the deal work.
What IBM did in the mainframe era, and Microsoft did in the PC era, one of the new challengers may succeed in doing in the cloud.
Be not disgusted, nor discouraged, nor dissatisfied, if thou dost not succeed in doing everything according to right principles;
If I succeed in doing so, you shall go free, but if I do not find him, you shall receive your well-deserved reward without any discount.
The only people who can begin to succeed in doing this are those who can afford to pay others (usually women) to carry out some or all of these tasks.
If the firms engineers succeed in doing so, the result will be like an electronic nurse that can keep an eye on someone and know when to call the doctor.
If the firm's engineers succeed in doing so, the result will be like an electronic nurse that can keep an eye on someone and know when to call the doctor.
Although most smokers say they want to quit, research in recent years indicates that less than 3% of those who try every year succeed in doing so permanently.
Since we rarely actually get around to15 saying it, all we succeed in doing is hurting ourselves, probably to a greater extent than that to which we were hurt by the original incident.
And it demonstrates to others that in the long term, we do not succeed professionally despite our commitment to doing what is right - we succeed because of it.
Obviously I couldn't have taken 31-39 units per semester if it meant doing double those hours in outside homework. I didn't succeed by overworking myself.
很显然,我并不会花费31 -39个单元的时间,而这意味着我要花费双倍的课外时间来完成我的任务的话,我并不是靠着过度工作来取得成功的。
In doing so he need not assign to the various portions of the same means orders of rank which immediately succeed one another.
If you want to succeed in a certain area, work hard in that area and go beyond what others are doing - deliberate practice is one big key.
如果想在某一领域成功,那就在这一领域努力吧,而且要比其他人更努力- - -游刃有余也是一个重要环节。
Then there's the good effect caused by his doing this since he was 10 years old. It's very hard to succeed until you take the first step in what you're strongly interested in.
I've also discovered that if I believe in what I'm doing and work hard at achieving my goal, I will succeed.
I've also discovered that if I believe in what I'm doing and work hard at achieving my goal, I will succeed.