He built a hugely successful career with little more than plain old hard work and determination.
Sixty-year-old Will Fendley, who had a successful career in the military and never earned a college degree, thinks "personal drive" is far more important than just going to college.
Having a good relationship with your boss can help you hava more successful career and life.
I had a very successful career and thought I could easily transfer that success into trading.
"Now men can have it all - a successful career and being a responsible daddy," she added.
He raised five children with my mother and enjoyed a very successful career in the civil service.
Fortunately I have been able to build a successful career as a ring designer, deciding what hours I work.
Seeking more personally satisfying work, he had recently left a successful career as a commercial artist.
Klorman knows that many young musicians are daunted by the expertise needed to sustain a successful career today.
Bergeson, now 50, kept up a successful career in nonprofit groups for years while keeping her disorder a secret.
The usual reply is to get a job, have a successful career, or to become skilful with your hands or with your mind.
As a man, I appreciate and love those successful career women, even though I don't like the title of Strong Woman.
Because a college education is regarded as the key to a successful career, this puts enormous pressure on the applicants.
Everyone has some room for improvement in their vocational skills as they strive toward a meaningful and successful career.
Later in life, she enjoyed a successful career as a writer of murder mysteries, historical works and biographies of her parents.
Josh: Joey, how do you do it? You have a successful career, a good marriage, a happy family and you never seem stressed out?
For example, it never occurred to me that my strong intuition or love of helping people could translate into a successful career.
You probably know that it's important to be professional if you want to have a successful career, but what does that actually mean?
Some people think that when one has the successful career or does something that makes contribution to the society is the happiness.
"Now men can have it all - a successful career and being a responsible daddy," she added. "it's a new kind of manly. It's more wholesome."
You have a successful career as a software developer. Your skills are always in demand and you never have to look very long or hard to find a great job.
If giving up a successful career in law that paid a six figure salary, to follow a childhood dream doesn't spell passion, then I don't know what does.
This is especially applicable to Boomers and anyone who has had a successful career, but now ready for a new challenge, with a little time on their hands.
As a mere senior banker reaching the end of a spectacularly successful career he was filled with envy of his contemporaries who had become hedge fund managers.
As a mere senior banker reaching the end of a spectacularly successful career he was filled with envy of his contemporaries who had become hedge fund managers.