They are both successful in business.
To be successful in business and in life, we must follow the higher standard of, 'Is it right?
John promises to be more successful in business after he has finished his new management courses.
“It’s the same all over the world, ” he says. “People who have good relationships are more successful in business.”
If you want to be successful in business, you need to welcome your competition with open arms - just don't let them walk all over you.
But if you want to be successful in business anywhere, the first step is understanding the culture. That is nowhere more true than in China.
However, even with all the technological advancements the traits that make a person successful in business can be traced way back when to our grandfather's day.
It may be teaching, it may be becoming a doctor, you may be successful in business - no matter what your career path, there will always be the opportunity to give back.
I think, in the end, my dad understood that I would not have been successful in business, and he was happy that I finished school, got a great education, and did what I wanted in life.
These same men can be found there day after day and, strangely enough, each one of these men had been a man of affairs and wealth, successful in business and respected in the community.
As the world becomes a smaller place, drawn together by increasingly intertwined economies and global markets, it is essential to have a firm understanding of finance to be successful in business.
Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business. He had a beautiful home and a wonderful family, but realizing his father was very old, he thought perhaps he should go to see him.
The myth of success has even invaded our personal relationships: today it's as important to be "successful" in marriage or parenthoods as it is to come out on top in business.
In the town near the restaurant there lived a successful businessman who was good at managing business, so the manager decided to ask the businessman if he could offer any advice that might save the restaurant.
The most successful entrepreneurs and people who are successful in the business field carry Jim's attitude.
Here "It" means the formalizing the process of re-using templates, design patterns or any other assets from IBM's previous successful customer engagement etc. in defining business process models.
In fact, the vast majority of business executives have experienced successful mentoring relationships first hand.
Before I ever succeeded in business I kept the company of people more successful than myself.
Also, the over-fifties are more successful when they set up in business, showing that passion when combined with life experience and expertise can pay dividends.
While it's true that business intelligence is almost inherent in a successful information architecture design, that concept primarily refers to the external user of the architecture.
You are doing things that most people are not to be more successful in life or in business, you have to take bull by the horns and do something different than others.
Step one in building a successful business is to learn what products or technologies your customers really need and are willing to buy.
Many of the most successful people in business never even went to or completed college, let alone business school.
With the focus of 21st century enterprises on flexibility, DBAs becomes the breakthrough necessary to make business and IT successful in the decades to come.
The Financial Times (part-owner of The Economist) and the Wall Street Journal have leading positions in business and financial news, and successful pay-walls.
If you possess these characteristics, you should have the personality that it takes to be successful in starting your own business.
Their business ideas fall apart because they do not consider all the facts and Numbers as well as the actual steps that are necessary in order to make that business successful.
A decade ago, Nokia was the most successful business Europe had produced in a generation.
Although the underlying concept will be to help disadvantaged youngsters, the idea is for the brand to become a successful business in its own right, said Boyle.
Indeed, his easy-going approach has allowed him to build a successful mobile-phone business in one of the world's least hospitable markets, war-torn Afghanistan.