Kevin and Alan had never thought of having such a night without electricity like that before.
In such a night, through which came a dim Yanmou where innocence.
I stopped being such a night owl and started getting up an hour before my kids.
Here was a man who not only proposed to find this plantation on such a night, but to find either end of it you preferred.
He really wanted to go to the party last night, and he can't believe he made such a stupid mistake!
They usually have a lot of special activities, such as skating, riding snow motorbikes and having parties to have an exciting night.
Getting a restful night of sleep has been associated with a number of other health benefits, such as maintaining a healthy weight and lowering blood pressure.
At a Starbucks not far from Shanghai's People's Park, the founders of one such club, which boasts more than 1,000 members, met on a hot summer night to talk about single living in Shanghai.
The new law would restrict beer sales at night, ban its sale in or close to many public places such as schools, and limit cans and bottles to a maximum size of 0.33 litres.
He continued: 'Thermoelectric devices convert heat to electrical energy and this can be from the sun or a drop in temperature such as day temperatures to night.
But there are a lot of great activities you can engage inwhen it’s winter such as ice hockey skiing sledding or just going out withfriends for a night of bowling.
But there are a lot of great activities you can engage inwhen it’s winter such as ice hockey, skiing, sledding, or just going out withfriends for a night of bowling.
Inmates' associates pull over to the side of the road at night and just throw over a distinctive bag such as one from McDonalds, or Burger King.
It was a night of joy and terror, such as this man of stupendous emotions had already experienced twice or thrice in his lifetime.
His gastric arias mostly stood in for conversation, but some evenings he managed a few words, such as the night he spotted Mandy's library book on the credenza.
Several witnesses testified they had seen a man wearing a "camlet cloak" and a "glazed cap," such as Frank often wore, late on the night of the murder, on Brown Street, behind the White property.
You know how it goes -- "Such-and-such a team is good, but how would it do on a rainy night at Stoke?
For decades, such feminists as Germaine Greer have advocated reclaiming the C word, in a take-back-the-night kind of way.
The batteries will enable a constant electrical output from sources such as wind or solar, which stop generating when the weather changes or night falls.
A SWEET CANDIDATE. — Mark Twain, who was to make such a blighting speech at the mass meeting of the Independents last night, didn't come to time!
A SWEET CANDIDATE. — Mark Twain, who was to make such a blighting speech at the mass meeting of the Independents last night, didn't come to time!