If you are not going to suffer this problem, then I suggest that the next time you go to your mum's home for dinner, get a few cooking tips from her.
The truth is that things happen much easier and more readily if we don’t struggle, suffer or assume unhappiness – the assumption that you need to struggle or fight for your success is a false one.
Neither would you suffer the ballooning of dollar debts that followed, for example, the sharp devaluation of the 1994 Mexican crisis.
Of course, if you aren't able to do that, you shouldn't suffer indefinitely. Consider looking for a transfer to a new boss or a new employer.
Whenever you blame others, you give yourself excuses for doing nothing; every time you criticize a person unnecessarily or situation, you suffer.
As representative for humanity, you do not want to suffer. No sense in bleeding to death over the course of several days pinned underneath a mountain of rubble.
After all, if your health begins to suffer, who will be there for your children, giving them the care that only you can?
Take breaks - If you push on one task for too long you your work starts to suffer.
"Everyone knows that he stayed in hospital for tests, that's normal when you suffer a dizzy spell, all of this looks positive," he said.
REM is the most important phase of sleep, the one in which you experience dreams, and when deprived of REM for too long, you suffer serious negative consequences.
For where you shall go will be barren, no oasis to be found as you suffer the fate you have rendered to others.
HADR also allows you to do rolling upgrades (for example, upgrading your version of DB2 UDB or the operating system) without having to suffer an outage.
HADR还允许您进行滚动升级(例如,升级您的DB 2UDB或操作系统版本),且不会遭到中断。
And I beseech you, brethren, suffer the word of exhortation: for I have written a letter unto you in few words.
Or suffer a heart attack and be on the operating table for some number of hours and then, thanks to cardiac surgery or what have you,be resuscitated.
"But I may come in contact with you," said the earthen pot. "If I come too close, whether I hit you or you hit me, I shall suffer for it."
In the event of this, we cannot be responsible for any loss, damage or other consequences you may suffer.
You must also be careful about wearing helmets and pads because an inch of carelessness can make you suffer for the rest of your life.
If you have large number of Po, for example thousands of pages, then your system may suffer from insufficient memory.
You want to be sure you have eternal life in the new heaven and earth that is coming and not to suffer for all eternity in the Lake of Fire for your SINS and unbelief.
Our company suffer the counseling of piano maintenance for long, if you have any question about piano, well solve it for you online or by phone.
Our company suffer the counseling of piano maintenance for long, if you have any question about piano, we'll solve it for you online or by phone.
We will not be liable for any losses that you may suffer or incur directly or indirectly as a result of such unauthorised access or alteration.
I would not have you suffer on my account; for I assure you I no longer suffer materially myself.
If you have select less than 3 training types for your player the overall intensity will suffer.
And if we had a genetic thumbprint for how likely you are to suffer from drug abuse, how convenient that would be.
And if we had a genetic thumbprint for how likely you are to suffer from drug abuse, how convenient that would be.