She recovered sufficiently to accompany Chou on his tour of Africa in 1964.
The lake was not frozen sufficiently to bear her, but it was low enough that she could wade through it.
I am going to mobilise public opinion sufficiently to bring to the very top of the nation's conservation agenda the severely endangered species I have in mind.
The application has to be optimized sufficiently to allow for a higher framerate.
Yet I still wondered how it was possible to know people sufficiently to write about them?
However hard we fall, we will recover sufficiently to land another hammer blow on the biosphere.
Even when the ocean seems calm, swells are moving water up and down sufficiently to generate electricity.
InfoQ: so, FHLB-OF liked your Agile approach to software projects sufficiently to try it on something different.
InfoQ:那么,看来FHLB - OF喜欢将你们的敏捷方法充分应用于软件项目中,看看有什么不同。
After three months, Ming's arm had healed sufficiently to reattach the hand, which doctors recently transplanted.
Your challenge is to settle into one area to cultivate your ability sufficiently to earn a living and attain success.
It forced the price of the PS3 up sufficiently to stifle consumer demand whilst forcing Sony to absorb massive losses.
它一方面把PS 3的价格抬到了令消费者无法接受的地步一方面还迫使索尼消化巨大的损失。
The vast majority of options expire without being exercised; the asset price never moves sufficiently to make it worthwhile.
The Galactic Federation will exist in its present format, until every civilisation has evolved sufficiently to join us.
Perhaps the best that can be hoped for NATO’s current operations is to weaken the militants sufficiently to bring them to the table.
Nevertheless, by a sort of instinct, Jondrette lowered his voice, although not sufficiently to prevent Marius hearing his words.
It was happening every night, but the extra time taken to get the other flavors allowed the engine to cool down sufficiently to start.
Have we not informed you that nothing of the old can remain, unless it has manifested sufficiently to be part of the new paradigm.
The point for now is that Critcl inventor Jean-Claude Wippler has polished his creation sufficiently to make cross-generation easy.
现在的要点是Critcl 创建者 Jean-Claude Wippler已经充分完善了他的创建,从而使交叉生成变得简单。
Morazzini: I believe it's a candidate, Your Honor, but I haven't played the game and been exposed to it sufficiently to judge for myself.
Or the budget deficit may be so large that the Fed is unwilling to curtail its bond buying and raise rates sufficiently to offset it.
Other Asian world-beaters also began as divisions of sprawling, family-run groups but eventually escaped their orbit sufficiently to thrive.
Its aim is to forge a deal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions sufficiently to prevent an increase in global temperatures of more than 2 degrees centigrade.
Reality: You don't need to fully test the product -- you need to test the product sufficiently to reduce the risk that a customer will be negatively affected.
It is the light that was finally allowed to move out across space once a post-Big-Bang Universe had cooled sufficiently to permit the formation of hydrogen atoms.
It is significant that we did not learn the degree of melting until several years later, when the reactor vessel’s radioactivity had decayed sufficiently to open it.
At that meeting, Mr. Obama, who has faced two years of complete scorched-earth opposition, declared that he had failed to reach out sufficiently to his implacable enemies.
The lake was not frozen sufficiently to bear her; neither was it open, nor low enough that she could wade through it; and across it she must go if she would find her child!
湖上还没有足够的厚冰可以托住她,但是水又不够浅,她不能涉水走过去。 不过,假如她要找到她的孩子的话,她必须走过这个湖。
Before I recovered sufficiently to see and hear, it began to be dawn, and, Nelly, I'll tell you what I thought, and what has kept recurring and recurring till I feared for my reason.
Before I recovered sufficiently to see and hear, it began to be dawn, and, Nelly, I'll tell you what I thought, and what has kept recurring and recurring till I feared for my reason.