Although honey is not about to usurp antibiotics, Dr Simon thinks it should be brought back into conventional medicine-and not only to sugar the pill.
One group was treated with the new drug, and the control group was given a sugar pill.
Later, he developed the "sugar-coated pill" vaccine in the early 1960s.
By the time you found out it was just a sugar pill, you were feeling great, so who CARES?
Is this the pill for you? These medications are for people who are diabetic or those who are overweight (having a BMI of 25 or more) and also have elevated blood sugar levels and diabetes.
But the laughs seem to be a mere sugar coating for the very bitter pill that Leigh is serving up, namely that relationships in particular and life in general can treat us cruelly.
The water extract, sugar and total volatile oil of Shensuyin have been determined and compared in the form of bag, pill and decoction.
Especially common with medications, the placebo effect has been observed when individuals given a sugar pill for a real ailment report improvement.
The making of complaints is obviously an unpleasant business, and if the pill can be sugar-coated, the opportunity must not be missed, as much mercenary as from friendly motives.
A few words of praise help to sugar-coat the pill of criticism.
A few words of praise help to sugar-coat the pill of criticism.