A "subprime borrower" is somebody who has a poor credit history or some other indication that would suggest that they might not be able to repay the mortgage.
Objects themselves suggest that they were the work of skilled professionals.
Negative mutagenic and clastogenic potentials suggest that they are not carcinogenic.
In Ibsen' s late dramas one find main figures who suggest that they are living dead.
Dr Kiser's experiments suggest that they are, indeed, released—at least in the laboratory.
In the case of students, I suggest that they extend their horizons out beyond their school and books.
Social media sites on the Internet suggest that they do not want him to be sent to The Hague tribunal.
These suggest that they could be used on molecule accessory breeding as specific markers of Yan Geese.
New data suggest that they might affect brain development and influence the early immune system and allergies.
These suggest that they would be used for molecule accessory breeding as specific markers of Wanxi white Geese.
The markings on the recovered tools suggest that they were used like grindstones and pestles for processing grains.
Having the two servers in the same cell is not a requirement, but the two previous conditions suggest that they are.
To users ready to blow a fuse because they no longer have the newest and best toy on the block, I suggest that they chill out.
Evidence at Wadi Gawasis seems to suggest that they were, in fact, prolific seagoers like later civilizations in Greece and Rome.
Nabil: What misinterpretations do you think men have about women and how do you suggest that they change the way they think about women?
They might suggest that they had no other choice for what they did and that other people are simply not understanding their situation.
This prompted Erich von Daniken in his book Chariots of the Gods to suggest that they actually were runways for extraterrestrial craft.
The identical onset dates strongly suggest that they acquired their infection following a shared exposure to poultry, and not from each other.
Even the state-run media join in, although they rarely report who was behind the rules or suggest that they indicate a lack of competence to govern.
The analysis of the psychological needs of readers suggest that they read mainly for knowledge, novelty, beauty, practical help, or identification.
He had also had the foresight to suggest that they take a few hours' break from wearing the Horcrux, which was hanging over the end of the bunk beside him.
There is little evidence that the attention has done mountains, deserts, rice and dialogue any harm-but also not much to suggest that they have benefited either.
Family responsibilities are mounting. If they don't like the plan, suggest that they con tribute a little. Romantic encounters will develop through group activity.
Also during the conference, Greek investigators suggest that they may have found a new factor that will help indicate a patient's prognosis at the time of diagnosis.
A "Subprime borrower" is somebody who has a poor credit history or some other indication that would suggest that they might not be able to repay the mortgage — they might default.
Madan is developing a smartphone app that will alert a named contact, perhaps a relative or doctor, when a person's communication and movement patterns suggest that they are ill.
People who describe themselves as perfectionists may do well on job interviews, but new study findings suggest that they may struggle in marriage and other intimate relationships.
The effect of continuously high acid levels on bone formation is controversial, but there is some evidence to suggest that they are associated with a drop in bone mineral density.
The effect of continuously high acid levels on bone formation is controversial, but there is some evidence to suggest that they are associated with a drop in bone mineral density.