Today, on our 10th wedding anniversary, she handed me a suicide note she wrote when she was 22.
Her suicide note told her husband that she would rather die than endure another such episode.
But the suicide note in which she had scribbled down her wishes was found the day after she was cremated.
Today, as I read my brother's suicide note, chills ran down my spine because I was horrified by the fact that I could relate to everything he wrote.
Mitchell Heisman shot himself at Harvard Yard on September 18. His family and about 400 friends received the 1, 905-page suicide note in a posthumous e-mail.
"I saw my daughter lying quite still, as if she were dead, with two empty bottles of pills beside her bed and a suicide note," Cui Lan, 43, told Nanjing's Modern Express newspaper.
In her suicide note to her mother she wrote that she could not “live the next six-to-eight years behind bars for what you and I have both come to regard as this 'modern-day lynching'.”
Charity worker Simone Back, 42 and suffering depression, died of an overdose on Christmas day after she left a suicide note on Facebook which was responded by her Facebook friends' ruthlessness。
By Thursday afternoon, it seemed likely that the man who flew a small plane into a building housing the IRS in Austin, Texas, had left behind an online message, part suicide note and part manifesto.
And a note written by a man who had sent halfway around the world for his suicide weapon, a black widow spider, reported: "I feel the effects now.
And a note written by a man who had sent halfway around the world for his suicide weapon, a black widow spider, reported: "I feel the effects now.