We don't depend entirely on salespeople when we buy a car, a house, or a suit of clothes.
He gave the old man a suit of clothes and he gave his overcoat to a pregnant woman whose husband had been killed in a mining accident.
We don't depend entirely on salespeople when we buy a car, a house, or a suit of clothes.
As a result, having exhausted his credit with the tradesmen (though he had increased his credit with the grocer to five dollars), his wheel and suit of clothes went back to the pawnbroker.
This was the first time in my life that I had a full suit of clothes made for me. My father himself had selected the pattern and colour.
John Loring tried a coarse drill jacket of stand-up collar in Chinese tunic suit style. Match with other more traditional clothes he dresses it appear an amazing effect.
约翰•洛林 (JohnLoring) 试穿了一件中山装式样立领式粗斜纹棉布夹克,与他身上其它更加正统的服装搭配起来,看上去竟有种出奇效果。
When I'm shopping, I always fail to find clothes that suit people of my shape well.
On Friday the ostrich bought a new suit of clothes. He fluffed his feathers, feeling fine and handsome. He hoped that his beloved might notice.
If a dream is a suit of clothes, then Astronomy would be a brand that I couldn't afford to wear.
Wee don ' t depend entirely on salespeople when we buy a car, a house, or a suit of clothes.
They advised that with every suit of clothes they would threw in a pair of gloves.
In addition, which married the bride will take a set of daily clothes? Will face such a big thing, cleansing, take home the suit after the interview?
The tailor measured me for a new suit of clothes.
It took Mabel nearly one and a half hours to choose a suit of proper clothes.
I want some Olympic Games souvenirs, and a suit of clothes.
I still have a whole basket of woolen clothes and fur coats and a suit to wash.
A car is not just an American's castle, it's a suit of clothes, a haircut, a display of one's personality to the world.
'How well they look! How well they fit!' said all. 'What a beautiful pattern! What fine colours! That is a magnificent suit of clothes!'
Unfortunately, my son would choose a bathing suit in the middle of winter, and my daughter had a really unique ability for picking out clothes that actively clashed.
If dressed in this suit of Western style clothes, you will appear vigorous and glamorous.
Even when I was taken to have a new suit of clothes, the tailor had orders to make them like a kind of Reformatory, and on no account to let me have the free use of my limbs.
He ordered a suit of clothes from the tailor and ate his meals in the best cafes in town.
You should feel those clothes are an extension of your body. I have a favorite suit I bought 7 years ago and I don't wear any of my other suits for the most important presentations.
Many difficulties did not stop his "crazy" behavior, he took his wife into barren hills, took off his suit and put on clothes, farmers, entrepreneurs of the past into a completely authentic farmers.
Many difficulties did not stop his "crazy" behavior, he took his wife into barren hills, took off his suit and put on clothes, farmers, entrepreneurs of the past into a completely authentic farmers.