First he looks at the underlying database summary table.
Listing 3 shows a simple example of creating a summary table.
Another query against the summary table returns no data as well.
Listing 4 shows an example of using a staging table with a summary table.
A summary table is a table whose definition is based on a result of a query.
Not unexpectedly, a query against the summary table at this point returns no data.
The summary table at the top of the pyramid is small, so queries on it are very fast.
Also, the monthly summary table can help us analyses IQC system and find out the reasons of failure.
In addition to a summary table some specific examples are given of questions and the results they produced.
In this tutorial, we have investigated the background of J2ME studied J2ME configuration and summary table.
From the summary table, they can then pick the dimensions that they want to drill down into and see more detail.
The summary table, which is named EMP_SUMMARY, is based on the underlying table EMPLOYEE in the SAMPLE database.
总结表名为EMP _ SUMMARY,它基于SAMPLE数据库中的底层表employee。
The initial layout of the summary table can be customized through configuration, and in runtime through filtering.
We built a summary table that aggregated the income and expense detail to show the end result for each transaction.
Ideally, the structure of the data warehouse offers a summary table for any question that business users want to ask.
The COUNT function is very useful to show at any level how many records make up each aggregated row in the summary table.
Another way is to have the extract, transform, and load (ETL) process update the summary table as it loads the fact table.
A summary table stores data that has been aggregated in a way that answers a common (or resource-intensive) business query.
Finally, the staff member analyzes the metadata information about the last ETL job LOAD_SALES_SUM, populating the summary table.
When they found issues that required more detail, they could then drill down into another summary table or the detail fact table.
Your top-level summary table may have about 100,000 records; the next-level summary table will probably have millions of records.
As the user drills down into more detail, each summary table contains more rows, until the user reaches the fact table (see Figure 1).
Another query against the summary table returns no data, but after the REFRESH table statement executes this time, the query runs successfully.
As such, the summary table typically contains pre-computed results based on the data existing in the table or tables that its definition is based on.
As the summary table below shows, however, false negatives are far more common using distributed blacklists than with any of the other techniques I tested.
The fullselect that is part of the definition of a summary table contains a GROUP BY clause summarizing data from the tables that are referenced in the fullselect.
fullselect是总结表定义的一部分,它包含一个GROUPBY 子句,该子句总结 fullselect 中所引用表中的数据。
Users should be able to drill down from one summary table into another summary table, ultimately arriving at the fact table (if that's the level of detail they need).
The chessboard type total bill and course summary table instead of general ledger units, closing entries, should a whole assembly course summary table and board ledger.
Bioburden assessment and sterility issues are also addressed, and a summary table describes adventitious agents, recommended tests, and stages at which to perform testing.
You will recall that a summary table is a specialized type of MQT whose fullselect contains a GROUP BY clause summarizing data from the tables that are referenced in the fullselect.