During the retreat, the rainfall pattern has little change; but after the retreat, the ITCZ rain replaces SCS summer monsoon rain, with the respective rain region following the south-moving Sun.
在撤退期间,南海降水形势变化不大,但在撤退之后,南海夏季风雨季转变为IT CZ雨季,其相应和雨区随着太阳南移向南推进。
Most of India’s crucial rain is brought by the summer monsoon, which falls, with luck, in just a few weeks between June and September.
基本上印度最主要的降雨都是由夏季季风带来的。 即使在好的年节,这些雨水也只集中在六月和九月之间的一小段时间里。
When we arrived, there was a strange smell of hot summer and monsoon rain in the air of the airport.
Hubei district demonstrate typical characteristic of continental climate:winter cold and summer hot , monsoon climate , rain in hot season.
Owing to the significant annual variation of S, the difference of location ofthe monsoon rain belt in eastern China in mid summer will be considerable during the ENSO periods.
Subtropics monsoon climate characteristics: high temperature summer more rain, winters are mild less rain, rain hot during the same period.
The statistical results show that the variation of summer rain belt pattern relates closely to the strength of summer monsoon in the East Asia.
The statistical results show that the variation of summer rain belt pattern relates closely to the strength of summer monsoon in the East Asia.