Consider humans as part of these ecosystems, you've probably heard about water shortages or restrictions on how much water you can use, especially in the summer time, in recent years.
Hours later than Dublin in summer time.
So, in a way I'm saying, in the summer time warmth is forced upon you.
In summer time, little grass YinYin asked the Lady of summer to dye her hair silver.
Our customer service hours are 07:00 British Summer Time, Monday through Friday 22:00.
You can also polish your toe nails according to the theme of the occasion and the summer time.
This is a good one for summer time when the lawn starts to grow and you need to keep it trimmed.
ABSTRACT: Sangria, a beautiful and cheerful drink in the summer time, is not difficult to make.
Japan stands virtually alone among rich countries in not using daylight-saving time (DST), or summer time.
In the summer time, it becomes essential to take care of yourself even more than the rest of the year.
If you have a JBL (UK) account, you can from Sunday 23:00 (British Summer Time) to Friday 22:00 to trade.
如果您拥有JBL (UK)的账户,您可以从星期天23:00(英国夏令时)到星期五22:00进行交易。
But these are some of the basic things that one should keep in mind while getting ready in the summer time.
Summer time, we went to see the sunrise sunshine on the sea, and the roads there are a lot of beautiful scenery.
Here are 5 things you can do today to get your backyard a little bit closer to that summer time oasis you dream of.
For some people, the onset of British Summer Time, with early dawns and longer twilight, brings with it a host of problems.
And we can't have such a fellow as this in the summer time, replied the young man, pointing to the Snow man, he is capital.
During some periods, like summer time when lots of people are applying for visas, administrative processing can take longer.
Closures have been design to protect the interior from the sun during the summer time and to sunbath the rooms during the winter.
The site is facing with a busy street with tourist's cars and buses especially in the summer time, but the garden-side is a quiet and lovely forest.
The photosynthesis of rice have a afternoon-nap, which is characterized hy the lowest synthetic rate of the day at 13 o 'clock (Beijing Summer time).
A considerable test of discipline at any time of the year, a fast that falls in summer time imposes severe hardship on those who must do physical work.
Along outside of the front fence ran the country road, dusty in the summer time and a good place for snakes — they liked to lie in it and sun themselves.
For example, the United States recently brought back the start of their Summer time, so now it's Summer time in the United States but not Summer time in Europe.
But in summer time she was obliged to go barefooted because she was poor, and in winter she had to wear large wooden shoes, so that her little instep grew quite red.
Such widespread loss of Arctic sea ice has sometimes given rise to the concern that the total loss of Arctic sea ice at least during summer time can no longer be avoided.
The levels of bacteria and residual chlorine both key indicators for swimming pool water quality have to be controlled carefully especially in summer time when the basin is full.
The levels of bacteria and residual chlorine both key indicators for swimming pool water quality have to be controlled carefully especially in summer time when the basin is full.