Officials are laying the groundwork for a summit conference of world leaders.
The final summit conference of the three wartime Allies took place in a palace in the Berlin suburb of Potsdam.
He staged a two-day conference on the issue in Paris before the summit, and five of the leading participants, including Zuckerberg, reported on their deliberations.
At about 10:35 a.m. local time, the summit opened in the grand hall of the Madrid conference palace.
She told a conference in Berlin Thursday she will urge other countries at the June summit of the Group of 20 nations to implement a new tax.
At the conclusion of the conference, roughly 18 different focus groups were formed and charged with the task of planning concrete actions that would address the central concerns of the Summit.
Conference veterans noted the contrast with the previous year's summit, which many attendees spent drowning their sorrows as the world economy sank into chaos.
In his monthly news conference, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown laid out the groundwork he feels must be done before the important Group of 20 economic summit April 2 in London.
The start of the summit on February 4th was delayed while the two conferred separately; lunch was then postponed while they gave a press conference to explain their plans.
In February 2000, he was tried and sentenced to three years in prison for holding a press conference to announce a peaceful march during the 1999 Ibero-American Summit in Havana.
2000年2月,他被收审并判三年囚期,理由是在1999年哈瓦那举行伊比利亚美洲国家首脑会议(Ibero - American summit)期间,他召开了记者会宣布举行和平游行。
The institute holds an annual conference called the Singularity Summit. (Kurzweil co-founded that too.)
At a press conference after the first summit, Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy were asked whether they were reassured by Mr Berlusconi's promises.
The Conference was announced by Prime Minister Tony Blair during the G-8 Summit in Gleneagles.
THIS year's Web 2.0 Summit, an annual technology conference in San Francisco, featured a reception at a swanky hotel dubbed "Web After Dark".
在一家被戏称为“暗夜网络”的豪华酒店举办招待会,成为今年在旧金山举办的每年一度的Web 2.0峰会的特色。
Billed as the most important summit to save the earth from global warming before the Kyoto Protocol expires in 2012, the Copenhagen Climate Conference carried high expectations.
Support on all departments to participate different kinds of international summit (Fair, Exhibition, Conference...) in liaison, arrangement, payment, statistics.
The Summit is the only social media marketing conference catered exclusively for corporate practitioners.
Mr Obama was speaking at a press conference in California after hosting a summit with Southeast Asian leaders.
That the summit was followed by a conference on Nabucco, a gas pipeline meant to bypass Russia in the south, was just another irritation.
That the summit was followed by a conference on Nabucco, a gas pipeline meant to bypass Russia in the south, was just another irritation.