The 2009 Sundance film festival was utterly gloomy.
If some of his new friends show up and you get to interview them, I see Sundance Film Festival in your future.
Many of her video works have also been consecutively selected by Venise Film Festival and Sundance Film Festival.
The story of his cultural relocation and assimilation is traced in the 2006 Sundance Film Festival award-winning documentary God Grew Tired of Us.
约翰在美国期间的人文定位及文化同化过程,被拍成记录片《上帝的厌倦》(God Grew Tiredof Us),成为2006年圣丹斯电影节获奖影片。
It became a YouTube classic, participated at more than 300 festivals screenings (including the Sundance Film festival) and has won 30 awards so far.
Their last film, "Black Gold", which premiered at the Sundance film festival, was about the struggle of one man against the multi-billion dollar coffee industry.
Since its first outing at the Sundance Film Festival in January, Boyhood has won multiple awards. The Berlinale gave Linklater a Silver Bear for best director in February.
This film was awarded for Humanities Prize Sundance Film Category in 2005 and nominated for Independent Spirit Award for Best First Feature at Sundance film festival 2007.
Besides the interviews, "Rebirth," which had its premiere at the Sundance Film Festival in January, owes something to several cameras scattered near ground zero since 2002 to document rebuilding.
Described as "the strangest Sundance film ever", Swiss Army Man divided critics when it premiered at the film festival in January.
In 2007, he can be seen starring in Beautiful Loser and Teeth, a Sundance and Berlin Film Festival Dramatic Competition nominee.
In 2007, he can be seen starring in Beautiful Loser and Teeth, a Sundance and Berlin Film Festival Dramatic Competition nominee.