This is my first Texture Pack, based off the Original 1985 Super Mario Bros.!
Notable attempts like Super Mario Bros (1993) and Tomb Raider (2001) have all flopped.
Hello, everyone! This is my first Texture Pack, based off the Original 1985 Super Mario Bros.!
There may be nothing better than having a Super Mario Bros. themed cake at your birthday, wedding or party.
Green: "There's a sense of wonder and a spark of imagination at the heart of the Super Mario Bros." games, and as children we pick up on that right away.
The top-selling games of December were New Super Mario Bros. Wii (2.82 million), followed by Wii Fit Plus (2.41 million), followed by Wii Sports Resort (1.79 million).
12月份最卖座的游戏是新超级玛丽兄弟(282万),紧随期后的是wiiFitPlus(241万),在后面是wii Sports Resor(179万)。
Super Mario Bros on Nintendo's NES console rocked entertainment's foundation blocks with a well-aimed headbutt in 1985, but surely it would take a while to match its might?
Nintendo recently unveiled its 3ds handheld, and Super Mario Bros. creator Shigeru Miyamoto is hard at work on the next evolution of virtual pets, Nintendogs + Cats, for the system.
Who has not played a Mario game at some point in their life, be it Super Mario Bros, Mario Kart, Super Mario 64, Super Mario Galaxy or one or the many other great games that he has featured in.
Who has not played a Mario game at some point in their life, be it Super Mario Bros, Mario Kart, Super Mario 64, Super Mario Galaxy or one or the many other great games that he has featured in.