On Buddha's left side venerable Mahakasyapa the great Brahman, a yogi with all the super normal powers that Patanjali explains in the third chapter of Yoga Sutras.
For a doctor, she speculated, super color vision might give her the ability to tell whether a patient is ill just by noticing subtle changes in skin tone that a normal doctor wouldn't see.
The wealthy owner of the super bus plans to travel on normal roads and at normal speeds in the region while it picks up passengers in either Abu Dhabi or Dubai.
The super-stressed mice that couldn’t grow new neurons gave up swimming faster than the normal mice.
The super-stressed mice that couldn't grow new neurons gave up swimming faster than the normal mice.
The super-recognizers scored far above average on these tests—higher than any of the normal control subjects.
Yes, it's completely normal for even the most super-fit running fanatic to suffer through difficult runs.
Afternoon 15 when, Hohai University sits at home against opponents Jiangsu Normal University, Hohai University five goals get victory in the race, won the super group champion.
It has a super jet that will allow the plane to land on a normal runway or completely vertically!
You may indeed avoid root rot with a super fast draining mix but you will also avoid normal growth as your plants will slow to a glacial pace.
They ignore or accept as normal the health problems caused by their sedentary behavior, explaining that the ability of cyclists to get to work by bike comes from super? Human ability.
But the types of products that can be produced by only a few TARs, they must be high-end, and will get generous super-normal profit.
Not moisturizing enough for super dry, scaly lips, but good for normal to dry lips, and excellent at preventing chapped lips.
Uh oh… the super-professional, ever-present reporters have captured pictures of me being a normal nineteen year old again!
In some particular environment or super - normal loading conditions (eg, bath houses), the interstice should be shorter.
Some methods are introduced to rebuild the normal cold storages into super-low temperature cold storages for full use of cascade refrigeration cycle with low production costs and energy expenditure.
Weakness in a boss does not normally make a firm seem stronger. But News Corporation is not a normal firm. It is a family-run public company, controlled by means of super-voting shares.
Critical of the self-indulgence of the super-rich, Buffett thinks of inheritances as "privately funded food stamps" that keep children of the rich from leading normal, independent lives.
Even if you're super-serious about school, it's normal to find yourself tempted to cheat, especially when you're under a lot of pressure.
Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first Zhanjiang Normal University English Super Star Competition.
Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first Zhanjiang Normal University English Super Star Competition.