If I have super power, I don't need to take the bus to school every morning.
The USA slips further down the Super Power league and gets more and more left behind.
Very important, This is just showing to the world the emergence of a new super power.
The former Soviet Union was a super power but only with an economy of a third world nation.
The former Soviet Union was a super power, while its economy only leveled with the third world.
The disintegration of the super power Soviet Union is an enormous incident in the 20 ~ th century.
The end of America's status as the world's sole super power wouldn't be a bad thing, either, Barnett argues.
The way is a rite in which a man of perfect practice USES his super power to enlighten the common people.
American studies are popular social science topics in the world now since the US is a global super power.
The daily news from Iraq and Afghanistan underscores just how much even America, the super power, needs such help.
It describes a young boy happens to get the super power and then he wears the costume as a spider, flying around the city.
Do you know the spider man who has super power and skills in this popular film? He could climb on the wall of any high buildings freely and rapidly.
Interesting... America being lectured for a change. China is more assertive on the world stage and poised to be the new super power in the post America world.
Interesting... America being lectured for a change. China is more assertive on the world stage and poised to be the new super power in the post America world.