I was going to superimpose or matte in a monster over the actor.
You can superimpose the lettering directly onto one of your pictures.
It allows you to superimpose these or otherwise alter objects in 3d using them.
Mentally superimpose the above graph on your desktop (or if you really want, draw it as your background).
How much would you pay for a tool that can assist you to superimpose your notes into electronic form?
Computers superimpose the GPS data over a map that allows dispatchers to track the vehicle's every move.
The actual corner image will become more clear when we superimpose it upon an image, so let's get on with that.
To superimpose one image onto another, you use the composite command. Let's just do one corner, to see what happens...
In practice you view with both eyes, adjusting the stereoscope to superimpose the left and right images…simple as that that!
Once you understand how it works, try to program SafeZone into your technical analysis software and superimpose its signals on the chart.
Therefore we can't necessarily take Sirius' offhand analysis of his trip and superimpose it over a Muggle map to figure out where Azkaban is.
Okay? So those are the basic note values normally with a duple division but we can superimpose triple by using a dot and the absence of sound.
Instead, passengers riding on a small train will look through hand-held ar binoculars that will superimpose frolicking 3-d virtual animals over the real decor.
Superimpose a building elevation, a page in a book or a website page and with very little adjustment they will fit, but most importantly they will all work and feel right.
When playing video in the client, we can selectively superimpose the image to the video as we wish to add additional information on the further expand of multi-media system.
Engineers superimpose the original CAD models over actual buildings to determine which bits of the model need to be updated, or which parts of the building need to be rebuilt.
The natural state is being infinite, but we superimpose over that all these ideas of limitation, of needs, attachments and aversions that block out this infinite joy that is natural.
I can understand this limitation: it's not usually easy to superimpose a regular lattice of information upon an XML document; such is the mismatch between extensible hierarchies and rigid tables.
I can understand this limitation: it's not usually easy to superimpose a regular lattice of information upon an XML document; such is the mismatch between extensible hierarchies and rigid tables.