Mr. Superintend, the hole of the lower rudder pintle damaged. It needs to be bored.
Toll read it to Yermolov, proposing that he should superintend the further instructions for carrying it out.
A superintend-and-direct group composed of noted experts has been organized to direct and supervise teaching work.
Women who have outlived their husband, always think themselves entitled to superintend the conduct of young wives. (No. 199)
When things have to be brought from a distance the same person cannot effectually superintend both the making and the retailing of them;
The " Official Superintend and Merchant Selling" of common salt centrally embodied basic characteristic of management system of traditional salt administration.
Enteroom manager to check out, to control enteroom's working programme. In charge of the reception and daily task. Superintend the staff for high quality service.
前厅主任 协助经理检查和控制前厅的工作程序,全面负责前厅部的接待和日常工作,督导员工为客人提供高效优质的服务。
ASPECT Studios was commissioned by the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR) to design and superintend the construction of site infrastructure.
受环境、水和自然资源部门的委托,澳派景观设计工作室aspect Studios负责项目景观设计和基地基础设施施工监督工作。
T he permanent director of board is the founder of private limited-liability company and its DE facto general director. He is entitled to command and superintend the other directors of board.
T he permanent director of board is the founder of private limited-liability company and its DE facto general director. He is entitled to command and superintend the other directors of board.