Now I hope there is a kind of force could supervise and urge me to live a regular life.
Although do not work, do not have teacher classmate supervise and urge, go to an unripe very easy also laches.
Be at ease, I can guide, persuade, supervise and urge he learns, but I won't gruffly is privative his happiness.
Baidu company makes a response to this, will supervise and urge Technical Division strengthens job of examine and verify.
Can check out fat stature and fattiness rate of person , supervise and urge you to keep a jimpness figure by reference of your stature , avoirdupois, wex, etc.
State tax bureaus and local tax bureaus in all localities should jointly supervise and urge business households of self-employed private economy to establish accounting books.
Regarding to the machine, we will supervise and urge the factory to make production as soon as possible, but they also need to be arranged according to the production progress.
He often supervise and urge that staff send wish message, mail the New Year card, or other ways to let clients feel to be nearer with us in the festivals, especially in the Spring Festival.
Supervise, urge all the subordinates and make sure all the electronic system, such as telephone can run smoothly.
Supervise, urge all the subordinates and make sure all the electronic system, such as telephone can run smoothly.