The Maintaining function is a support function which ensures that proper standards of conduct and ethics are upheld and that quality is maintained.
Every time a function is called, a new stack frame (an area of memory inside the stack) is used to support the call.
One of the benefits of switching to a functional style is the ability to leverage higher-order function support provided by the language or framework.
The details of the multiply algorithm will be described in the section headed Multiply as a support function.
乘法的详细信息会在 乘法辅助函数一节中介绍。
It should be noted that both atoms and refs also support this kind of semantics, where a function is passed and used to update the state.
Two servings of salmon a week, provides ingredients that support brain tissue and enhance nerve cell function.
Most of the browsers support a built-in function for parsing and serializing JSON.
You should not take current Broker Explorer function as a definitive statement of future tooling support.
Eric, a member of the executive team, identifies a new claims processing function as an opportunity to reduce customer support costs and eliminate the manual tasks involved in claims processing.
In general, product add-ons extend the function of IBM Support Assistant with information sources and data collection scripts associated with a particular IBM product.
一般来讲,产品外接程序使用与特定IBM产品相关联的信息源和数据收集脚本扩展IBMSupport Assistant的功能。
To support this, I created a little recursive traversal function that walks all the nodes of a gnosis.xml.objectify object.
为此我创建了一个小型的递归便利函数来遍历gnosis . xml . objectify对象中的所有节点。
Some compilers support live-range splitting, where a variable can be allocated to different registers as well as to memory in different parts of the function.
有些编译器支持“生命周期分割”(live - range splitting),也就是说在程序的不同部分,变量可以被分配到不同的寄存器或者内存中。
Random number generation is a support function that the kernel performs to help randomize some of its own activity.
But it would perform a similar function of support as robotic cars crawled up and down it, ferrying people and equipment to and from the satellite—whence they could depart into the cosmos.
A protocol was specified in the socket function call that does not support the semantics of the socket type requested.
Based on the above work a space-time effect on the excavation face of tunnel with the function of bolting support is considered, thus the engineering application of BEM is developed.
Strategy management accounting is a sub-system in strategy management system of the enterprise, exercising the function of policy-making support to the enterprise strategy.
The main function of the building is a classroom building, with additional support functions such as offices, common - and social Spaces.
A method of outlier detection in re-gression is proposed making use of the character of structure risk function and KT condition in support vector regression in this paper.
A scheme of temporal specification using function construct of classical B AMN is proposed to support specification and verification of real-time software system.
A support vector decision function ranking method (SVDFRM) is used to calculate the contribution of network behaviors features, and then important network behaviors features are extracted.
A method of outlier detection in regression is proposed making use of the character of structure risk function and KKT condition in support vector regression.
In order to get the convergence properties of the weak set-valued Amart, we firstly proved the theorem that the limit of support functions is a support function.
This article introduces the concept and principle of a expert system of roof support, its process of developing, main function and its guiding meaning in coal mine production is also contained.
An example of when this error occurs is a function call made on something that is not an object or does not support the call.
Hi we're currently working on a system whose function is to support the core process of our department which is scheduling of classes.
Generalized support function is a very important concept in plane convex sets, it play a crucial role in discuss kinematic measure of convex sets.
The platform is to provide a visualization application environment and a scalable development environment to provide technical support for the realization of other professional function modules.
The function of this preprocessor is to support parameterized design in array of input and output ports of a module for a digital system.
The function of this preprocessor is to support parameterized design in array of input and output ports of a module for a digital system.