Wife 1.0 comes with several support programs, such as Clean and Sweep 3.0, Cook it 1.5! And Do Bills 4.2.
The organization has since raised more than $125 million to support programs in 55 countries around the world.
We need to support programs like Michigan's 21st Century Jobs Fund and build on best practices across the country.
Objections by poor countries do agricultural support programs and trade barriers in wealthy ones were major issues.
Through the RIM pane of glass, IT can centrally manage a range of devices without having to run multiple support programs.
And UPS′s cost-effective post-sales support programs can satisfy your customers′ needs for ease of use and reliable service.
We will support programs that cultivate interest and scholarship in foreign languages and intercultural affairs, including international exchange programs.
Note: the compilation process attempts to build all of the tokens that are supported on the target platform, as well as all of the required support programs.
Note: Other subdirectories off of the main Samba source code directory hold the source code for ancillary programs, support programs, documentation, and so on.
This can happen through individual, couples, and family counseling; support groups; and referrals to community agencies that have additional support programs.
The topic of chapter IV of this thesis is the software development quality plan, includes quality management plan and quality support programs of the software development project.
Information technology looks to open source SOA as a way to save costs and will often opt-out of commercial support programs pressuring for profit open source even as adoption accelerates.
Working out of their Cockeysville home, the Strouses established the Kristin Rita Strouse Foundation to support programs that increase awareness of mental health through education and the arts.
Cities and programs should establish support groups for male early childhood educators and provide mentoring and professional development advice for male educators and their program leaders.
Along with programs that provide direct support, SK Group has also been working to build the infrastructure necessary to aid social enterprises' operations.
These findings offer support for the transtheoretical model to apply in the antismoking programs.
Programs that assist wounded personnel would also receive additional support with this funding.
We will support mentoring programs so someone starting out can benefit from the experience of someone who's been down that road before.
Some programs only support old versions of TMX.
Before you enroll in an online school, make sure it has the appropriate regional accreditation and do some research to find out what type of programs, resources and support will be provided.
Critical funding gaps exist at GAVI and in the global polio and measles programs, and more support is needed for the research and development necessary to produce new vaccines.
An additional contribution has also been made to the Global fund to support AIDS programs in Africa that help fund antiretroviral medication for those living with HIV.
An additional contribution has also been made to the Global fund to support AIDS programs in Africa that help fund antiretroviral medication for those living with HIV.