The pressure which the support roll roller is uses pair or a group of roller rolls when produces to come the millstone steel products, causes the metal to produce the plastic deformation tool.
They learn to roll over, support their heads, and even sit up while being held.
And while you can certainly buy support contracts, it's really a roll of the dice as to who answers the phone when you call.
They then roll up the sheet and allow the cells to produce an interpenetrating mixture of structural support proteins, known as collagen and elastin.
之后将切片卷起促使细胞产生一种由结构支撑蛋白组成的混合物,即胶原及弹性蛋白。 纤维原细胞的问题在于它们会转化为平滑的肌肉细胞,最终将血管堵塞。
This serialization allows you to roll recovery through the cell and only require enough capacity to support less than the full topology.
With these activities you are starting to prepare for the consolidation of change -- you need to get your architectural foundations right to support an organizational roll out.
You can roll out more computers that support your service, site and queries, but eventually they are all querying your database, and if that's not designed right it becomes a bottleneck.
As the Citizens Council's report illustrates, current scientific evidence alone can support neither a wholesale roll-out, nor a complete abolition of incentive programmes.
Basing on these, study theory and method of using Sphere-structured Support Vector Machines to recognize the roll bearing inside track's fault deterioration extent.
Support sales and marketing, product line management and engineering teams through consultation on overall system designs to develop product road map and feature roll out plans.
The strategy utilizes with ZMP error and its change, compensates the motion control commands of pitch and roll DOFs of support ankle joint online.
Directories generally do not support complicated transaction or roll-back schemes found in database management systems designed for handling high-volume complex updates.
Gotvald says that the RSJPO has increased its capabilities to support this effort and future FCS systems as they roll out.
Mobile servers, which roll easily on casters, support a wide variety of accessories, office materials and AV equipment such as monitors, video recorders and overhead or slide projectors.
可移劢的托盘,带有小脚轮,可以轻易地滚劢,可以支撑许多多样化的附件,办公材料和 会议使用的音频不视频设备,如监听器、录影机和架高的戒滑劢的投影仦。
If mainland authorities truly want their beaten-down equity markets to find some support, they should signal they are willing to roll out a welcome mat for value-focused M&A deals, not the reverse.
Forward support bolt combined with roop rock by bolting can play a roll of combined beam, which can prevent roof rock caving immediately after explosion.
And it also lets us tailor the game for the European market, gauge their reception to the game and to ensure that our infrastructure can support a large-scale MMO roll-out in Europe.
A support structure may include a spindle (100) for supporting a media roll and include an identification coupler (110) for communicating with the identification transponder.
A support structure may include a spindle (100) for supporting a media roll and include an identification coupler for communicating with the identification transponder.
The formation of pits on the working roll bearing support can be avoided.
The formation of pits on the working roll bearing support can be avoided.