The city's current mayor, Luigi Brugnaro, has ridiculed UNESCO and told it to mind its own business, while continuing to support the cruise ship industry, which employs 5,000 Venice residents.
The funds will be used to purchase long-lead time materials and major equipment, such as the main reduction gears, in support of the new ship and to perform initial design and planning.
According to the contract, ManTech personnel will provide IT support to the Navy's legacy Ship Maintenance and Logistics support Information Systems Program.
This was corrected in the current Axis2 1.5.3 release, but the very fact that an official release would ship without working security support demonstrates the disconnect.
Fortunately, most editors ship with native support for DocBook — another reason to adopt this popular vocabulary.
Nokia will ship Windows Phone 7 devices in volume in 2012 as Symbian is phased out, support costs will decline.
And you'll tweak the pricing, add support contracts, ship version 3.0, and get mentioned by Jon Stewart on the Daily Show and tada!
你再调整调整价格,加上客户支持合同,发布了3.0版,Jon Stewart[2]在他的每日脱口秀里提了你的大作。
Patched versions of GRUB Legacy with GPT support are available and ship with most modern distributions, but you may prefer using a boot loader with official GPT support.
可以使用带GPT支持的GRUB legacy补丁版本,多数现代发行版都附带这个版本,但您可能宁愿使用带正式GPT支持的引导加载程序。
Raytheon, which also is the ship electronics systems integrator for the program, won a prime contract in 2005 to provide life-cycle engineering and support for the LPD 17.
Support for a local database would allow the development of DB2 databases and surrounding applications that are entirely self-contained (ship predefined lists of users and groups).
支持本地数据库将允许开发完全自包含的DB 2数据库和相关应用程序(附带预定义的用户和组列表)。
Currently, Derby does not have support to ship archived transaction logs to a different location.
Aiming at recognizing ship target in high resolution satellite images, a classification method based on Support Vector Machine (SVM) is proposed.
Model predictive control with least squares support vector machine (LS-SVM) has good control performance on the ship course even under the condition of disturbance and model parameter perturbation.
Ship piping system design has five consecutive phases: preliminary design, detail design, production engineering, and system-support information.
The most important applications include heavy support rollers, ship line shafts and rudder shafts, stone crushers, crankshafts, gears, vibrating screens, rolling mills, grinding and comminuting works.
The intelligent damage assessment model and intelligent reconfiguration model of diesel system are important parts of the emergency-repair decision support system of the ship power system.
Objective: to probe into relationship among personality traits, coping style, and psychological health state of nursing staff of hospital ship in safeguard logistic support comprehensive manoeuvre.
The support brackets are simulated by springs when calculating shock response of a ship shaft system, and the stiffness of spring usually takes an approximate value.
Building berth is the fixed ground support and launching-cradle is only used while launching. The latter will be sliding together with the ship into the water.
In some cases, although it is not the main ship, but also unable to support stock prices, the last bound to fall down, and sometimes he himself will take the opportunity the main ship.
IC card can be customized to ship, mobile payment, credit card payments or other payment methods. Support for 232 computer serial port control of the machine.
In this case, I must thank our distinguished ship-owners. We make this achievement with your long time trust, support and hard work of your representatives and our shipyard staff.
The vibration of a cantilever beam on elastic support base is a common engineering problem. It is of important meaning to discuss the issue deeply for aviation, weapons, ship and many other aspects.
The vibration of a cantilever beam on elastic support base is a common engineering problem. It is of important meaning to discuss the issue deeply for aviation, weapons, ship and many other aspects.