But hauling tons of equipment to the moon to make fuel and build a life support system for a moon base, wouldn't that be too expensive?
"Children may face serious difficulties in coping with significant moves, especially if it removes them from their current school or support system," he said.
In studying ethnic minority families, the researchers would likely discover that the extended family is more frequently a support system in ethnic minority families than in White American families.
The culture and support system that surrounds high performers helps them avoid these temptations.
Games are not like decision support system (DSS) or Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) systems at all.
From a simple block model to a bridge support system, the QuaDror system shows its abilities at all scales.
Sequential scans are typical in decision support system (DSS) applications but rare with OLTP access patterns.
Build yourself a support system, and let those who would question or undermine your efforts go along their way.
I chose to open a Philly Pretzel Factory because it makes me feel like I have a partner and support system.
In May 1998, Michael Schiavo petitioned a circuit court to order his wife's life-support system to be removed.
Being in a happy marriage, or indeed any social support system, has a protective effect on our health and our looks.
Sullivan and Lebow show a great deal of perceptiveness about the support system that a close family can provide.
The oceans are the life support system of the planet yet everything that happens on land eventually impacts the oceans.
We have an option to be a leader in energy technologies, but we are not because our support system for that is on again off again.
Then, you should develop a support system, fill your time, seek counseling if necessary, and be thankful for what you already have.
Its rapidly growing support system, simplicity, and scalability make CakePHP one of the most popular PHP frameworks available today.
Theoretically study the expert system (es), Decision Support system (DDS) respective specialty and their common characteristics.
Realize that your natural support system is not recognized by the law. You will need paperwork to ensure your wishes are granted.
Having a support system, whether it's a friend, family or running club, can make training less daunting and ultimately more rewarding.
So the study on the support system for knowledge management in VE possesses important theory value and nice practical significance.
It's important that we see to-do lists as an support system to help us become more effective, vs. something that we're obligated to finish.
Women who take advantage of happenstance have competence, self-confidence, and the ability to take risks. They also have a strong support system.
I would be happy to be part of your support system. You are welcome to contact me if you want to share anything regarding the issues of being single.
Working with co-workers who undermine each other can result in shorter lives than working with a good peer support system, Israeli researchers report.
In a supply chain, an order to manufacturing Processing system (OTMPS) typically sits between an order entry and a manufacturing support system (see Figure 1).
These experts said that we must understand that in our environment, our own support system and the important relationship between wild animals and plants.
These experts said that we must understand that in our environment, our own support system and the important relationship between wild animals and plants.