The supporting point of LI Ling is prominent, speed-up effect is striking at the ending movement stage.
So we need to "returning to Marx" to seek supporting point for theory, reexamine Marx by researching the text.
The supporting point of Cheng Xiao-yan is prominent , speed up effect is striking at the ending movement stage.
The supporting point of Cheng Xiao - yan is prominent , speed up effect is striking at the ending movement stage.
最后用力阶段主要加速点(用力点) 较为突出, 加速效果较显著。
As the supporting point of modern tourism industry, urban tourism is giving rise to the attention from different aspects.
Firstly, the right jig needle bar supporting point was chosen and the deflection distribution figures and the drawing of jig body were given.
The reason they are receiving much more attention now is that the supporting technologies have matured to the point where much more can be automated practically than was the case in the past.
Plan on supporting all three markup languages at some point.
Both sides can point to evidence supporting their cases.
“He clearly would like to run at some point,” said former Senator Robert Bennett of Utah, who has known the Huntsman family for years but is supporting Mr. Romney.
“从某些角度来说他一定是愿意参加竞选的,”前犹他州参议员罗伯特·班纳特说。 这位参议员认识亨茨曼家族(洪博培的家族)很多年,但却一直支持在罗姆尼。
There is no point in supporting causes that you do not feel strongly about or visiting events that are not interesting to you.
At this point, the client API has been defined, and client components supporting a "pluggable" PoidBroker are complete.
Randall also said that this represents a tipping point for the H.264 standard, because now Flash player is supporting it as well Blu-Ray - two big industry players.
Randall还说新版播放器的发布将引发h . 264标准的流行,因为现在Flash播放器已经可以像支持蓝光一样支持这种工业标准了。
From the Proxy binding point of view, this just means supporting multiple simultaneous transport between instances and selecting the one to used based on any information available.
For the most part, it's safe to use the example connector as a starting point for each supporting file, and I will point out what needs to be changed in your implementation.
The paper goes on to point out that there is absolutely no middleware support currently capable of supporting this type of transaction.
In fact, making an argument-expressing a point of view on a subject and supporting it with evidence-is often the aim of academic writing.
Rich explained the details supporting each point of his proposal.
The practice viewpoint is the primary and essential point of Karl Marx's philosophy, and it is also a solid theoretical basis supporting Marx's whole philosophy.
In theory, the discussing point is about knowledge management's definition, goals, contents, strategy and it systems which are used in supporting knowledge management.
About the organization slack, organizational theory holds the point of supporting, but the agency theory hold the view of denying.
From an architectural point of view we preferred vertical character, which we achieved by slimming the supporting aluminium columns so it looks like blades. Those are designed in T-shaped.
Because of the special structure of hip point, the hip can make 3-axis movement around supporting leg.
To Chinese people, Dao is ultimate existence of everything of the universe, and the starting point of constructing cultural knowledge, and the basic point of the supporting values system.
Some studies supporting this point of view are detailed below.
In order to insure the realization of the purpose of the performance management, the performance evaluation implementing point and supporting measures were explored.
Building the mechanical models of seat foundation based on the basic principles of mechanics to analyze the deflection of main supporting components for finding the Max deflection point and its value.
The key point of supporting this service is how to make it seamlessly corporated with WEB elements while the HTTP protocol is stateless and the main information for browser is based on text files.
The method is suit - able for plates with arbitrary form, arbitrary boundary conditions and arbitrary inside sup - ports such as continuous plate, point (column) supporting plate, etc.
The method is suit - able for plates with arbitrary form, arbitrary boundary conditions and arbitrary inside sup - ports such as continuous plate, point (column) supporting plate, etc.