I could start, I suppose, with a simple Sudoku game and try to TDD its solution.
Suppose you want to process only a part of some file, say a few lines from the start or end of it. What can you do?
Suppose you then try to start a third listener port (MDBListener3), which is also configured to use the jms/CF1 Connection Factory.
然后,假设您尝试启动第三个侦听器端口 (MDBListener3),并且也将其配置为使用jms/CF1连接工厂。
PROF. : Suppose we start trying to draw a map of the universe. If we put two dots on it.
Now you are going to read the text in turn. Watch your pronunciation and intonation. Mary, suppose you start first.
现在大家轮流读课文。 请注意语音语调,汤姆,你先读吧。
Well, I suppose you have to start somewhere! The important thing is that you do get started.
If you were trying to describe how a gun-pointing servo mechanism works, you might start out by saying, "Suppose I push down on the gun-barrel to create a position error."
If you were trying to describe how a gun-pointing servo mechanism works, you might start out by saying, "Suppose I push down on the gun-barrel to create a position error."