Eye problems can indicate an unhealthy lifestyle with subsequent suppression of the immune system.
This genetically determined resting stage, characterized by the cessation of development and protein synthesis and suppression of the metabolic rate, is called diapause.
No matter that the first Thanksgiving was celebrated by a privileged few in a time of rampant starvation and the suppression of Native Americans—Hale wanted her Thanksgiving.
In the pine savannah of North Carolina, the increasing suppression of fires is allowing other plants to grow too quickly and out compete the flytraps in their native environment.
The inspectors found no evidence which supported any allegation of suppression of official documents.
It talks about many things, such as weak leadership, and suppression of disagreement.
Watch for proteinuria, bone marrow suppression and autoimmune disease with trientine.
The suppression test of low-dose dexamethasone is a dependable way for the differential diagnosis between hypernephroma and simple obesity.
It noted that "the suppression chamber may be damaged."
Suppression of model elements with specific stereotypes attached.
On the surface, it seems that the only ethical issue might regard the suppression of this freedom.
The modern view is that the complete suppression of fire has upset the natural order of things.
For example, the filter expression for selecting storage areas with duplicate suppression enabled is.
Another good question to ask would be whether suppression was actually needed on both the rows and columns.
This so-called "M184V mutation" inhibited further HIV suppression, even when higher doses of the drug were used.
This suppression of the plankton's ability to photosynthesize could have a profound effect on the Earth's climate.
We suspect that suppression of melatonin may be involved in the effects of light at night on depressed affect.
Note that duplicate suppression capability was added in P8 Content Manager 4.5.1 for database and file storage areas.
注意,duplicatesuppression功能是p 8ContentManager4.5.1中为数据库和文件存储区域而增加的。
However, reappraisal and acceptance were more effective than suppression, and reappraisal seemed to be especially effective.
So the big difference between a PWR and BWR is that a BWR has a built in suppression pool for the steam that maybe released.
When creating the report, the user also selected suppression for the rows and columns from the available toolbar items.
This study therefore shows for the first time that there are neural mechanisms which anticipate voluntary memory suppression.
These chemical changes are now thought to include gene expression, not just suppression, as had been previously hypothesized.
Human health effects can include higher risks of toxicity, allergenicity, antibiotic resistance, immune-suppression and cancer.
Surapak Phuchaisaeng was arrested in Bangkok on Friday, said a senior police officer at the Technology Crime Suppression Division.
Selected language in the messages has been interpreted by some to suggest unethical actions such as data manipulation or suppression.
The psychology literature is full of studies showing that break-ups can cause anxiety, depression, loneliness and immune suppression.
First, it confirms that repeated, active suppression of specific encoded information can lead to subsequent forgetting of that information.
Since the requirement is to only suppress nulls, the visual null suppression can be replaced by the null suppression on the actual query.
因为需求是仅抑制nulls,可视的nullsuppression可由实际查询上的null suppression替换。
EVENT_POOL_SIZE Set this variable to specify the amount of memory used for unprocessed events, unprocessed notifications, and event suppression.
EVENT _ POOL_SIZE设置此变量来指定用于未处理的事件、未处理的通知和事件压缩的内存量。