Film properties including surface drying time, luster value, shock strength, adhesion and flexibility were tested according to standard methods for coating.
Effects of basic coating performance of stain resistance were studied in the light of drying time, hardness and surface tension of the coatings.
The changing regularity of drying speed, moisture content and surface temperature of wood was determined and analyzed at different microwave heating power and different heating time.
The special blend of non-ionic surfactants is designed to lower the surface tension of the final rinsing water, preventing droplet formation, sheeting off water and reducing drying time.
The relations between the time of surface drying and the quantity of curing agent was established.
Drying time: in printing, the time required for an ink to form a rub-proof surface. Also, the time needed for drying before the opposite side of a sheet can be printed or finished.
The effect of surface active agent, supercritical drying temperature, pressure and holding time, calcination temperature and holding time on the properties of powders are studied.
Surface drying and drying time: surface dry time natural volatile 5-10 minutes;
The effect of dosage of montmorillonite on surface free energy, water adsorption and drying time were studied in this paper.
在土豆干燥中 ,常采用间歇干燥工艺以缩短净干燥时间、降低有效能耗和提高干后品质。
The effect of dosage of montmorillonite on surface free energy, water adsorption and drying time were studied in this paper.
在土豆干燥中 ,常采用间歇干燥工艺以缩短净干燥时间、降低有效能耗和提高干后品质。