News of its fall induced a surfeit of celebratory gunfire.
An excess or surfeit, as of employees, expenses, or procedures.
Chameleons of applause they afford others a surfeit of laughter.
This shift from information scarcity to surfeit has broad effects.
Henry I of England dies of food poisoning from a surfeit of lampreys at St.
Bomb blasts created a surfeit of C-14 that quickly dispersed around the globe.
We are swamped, not in a sinkhole of mediocrity, but in a surfeit of excellence.
A surfeit of hotels has made it cheaper to put up visiting executives from parent firms.
In sum, technology has given us this surfeit of calories and dearth of energy expenditure.
For the most part, people in developed countries live in a state of surfeit, not of want.
For businesses that are gorging on a surfeit of information, Varian says the fix is clear.
Given a surfeit of green PR bunkum, it is not easy to know whether they mean what they say.
Although the weeklies provide a surfeit of material each week, much of it is unusable to us.
Stella-based models such as Limits to Growth possess a remarkable surfeit of feedback circuits.
But in the developed world, hundreds of millions of us now face the bizarre problem of surfeit.
Indeed, the euro is suffering from a surfeit of credibility since, on many gauges, it is overvalued against the dollar.
Power cuts dog Gazan life, but Hamas profits from the taxes it collects on the fuel that powers a noisy surfeit of generators.
As Godbey points out, the stress we feel arises not from a shortage of time, but from the surfeit of things we try to cram into it.
Food surfeit and constipation are brain nerves to lose one of the equilibrium symptoms, is also reduce weight of two big night enemies.
Rating agencies systematically underestimated default risk on vast amounts of debt, resulting in puffed-up prices and a surfeit of issuance.
信贷评级机构常常低估大额贷款的违约风险,致使价格不切实际的上涨和大规模发行。 ---》评级机构在大量债务上系统性的低估违约风险,。。。
The drop did not reflect a reduction in claims but a surfeit of capacity: start-up insurers in America and Bermuda have rushed to provide D&O cover.
As long as you never want those separate, closed systems to interoperate you'll have no problem (aside, perhaps, from a surfeit of IDs to remember).
An emerging surfeit of natural gas has chemists and engineers studying how to turn it into pricier commodities, like diesel fuel or other oil substitutes.
The main reasons caused the accumulation of soil salt and nutrients are the special environment condition of greenhouse and the surfeit use of fertilizer.
“The result of this state of affairs is an incalculable surfeit of suffering, not just for those about to die but also for their loved ones,” the study said.
"The result of this state of affairs is an incalculable surfeit of suffering, not just for those about to die but also for their loved ones," the study said.
In these circumstances, children graze or forage; but unlike previous hunter gatherers, they do not come up against a scarcity of food, but rather a surfeit of it.
Aside from the plethora of street food on offer, you will also find a surfeit of fortune-tellers and herbalists and some free, open-air Cantonese opera performances here.
Aside from the plethora of street food on offer, you will also find a surfeit of fortune-tellers and herbalists and some free, open-air Cantonese opera performances here.