Japan, unlike other big economies, is in the enviable position of having a budget surplus.
The budget, which was in surplus little more than a decade ago, now has a deficit of Greek-style proportions.
Sweden, like the other Nordic countries, is likely to run a sizeable budget surplus in 2008.
The first is a numerical policy rule, such as a target for the debt ratio or, as in Chile, a pledge to run a budget surplus of 1% of GDP over the business cycle.
Housing repossessions are still very rare; the state budget is still in surplus even as California and New York teeter on the edge of bankruptcy.
But the euro crisis has exposed the weakness of public finances in a country that has not run a budget surplus since 1974.
The budget posted a surplus in 2008 but this was partly due to a one-off boost from sales of mobile-phone licences.
The primary budget balance (ie, excluding interest payments) was in surplus in the run-up to membership but has been in deficit since 2003.
Such people, land-rich but cash-poor, may now submit their credits to the state treasury for a full cash refund whenever the state budget is in surplus.
Over the past decade, China's budget deficit was very low, and in 2007 it ran a budget surplus.
the state budget is still in surplus even as California and New York teeter on the edge of bankruptcy.
The budget surplus he inherited is now a deficit, the fiscal hole in America's retiree programmes is bigger than ever, the tax system is an unstable, patched-up mess.
He proposed the first balanced budget in decades and achieved a budget surplus.
Mr Osborne planned to go into the 2015 election with a buoyant economy and a structural surplus; a modest tax cut in the pre-election budget would have rewarded voters for suffering the squeeze.
Mr Osborne planned to go into the 2015 election with a buoyant economy and a structural surplus; a modest tax cut in the pre-election budget would have rewarded voters for suffering the squeeze.