This year the surprisingly popular Antarctica Marathon takes place on March 5, 2008.
Facial hair proved surprisingly popular: 28 per cent of those surveyed admitted they liked a goatee and 21 per cent said they would like to meet a man with a moustache.
Not surprisingly, law school is one of the most popular destinations for Yale grads majoring in history.
Orchids are the most popular plants in the UK, but can be surprisingly difficult to care for. Fake-orchid fan Huma Qureshi learns how to look after the real thing.
Not surprisingly, however, it has become one of the most popular weight loss programs in the country.
Not surprisingly, LinkedIn is the least popular social network, but as Rapleaf points out, many LinkedIn users may have registered with their business email instead.
Surprisingly, the most popular book during the first year of the Florida study was a biography of Britney Spears.
Surprisingly, the most popular book during the first year of the Florida study was a biography of Britney Spears.