The conditions and amount for payment of surrender value shall be specified in the insurance contract.
We do not want to buy it; we want to just, they surrender it to us because it's valueless after they give the value to the Southern Sudanese citizens; then it is valueless.
A hostile takeover would destroy value, say consultants, and Mr Grubel seems in no mood to surrender command.
However, there is no shortcut, so this is surrendered to the general theory from the start and found that the intrinsic value of voluntary surrender in order to identify their benefits.
Maybe someday the blog will push me out of "sweet surrender" and I may get some motivation from friends here to bravely do something that actualize my life value.
In addition, many companies use the securities as collateral that they would surrender if their bets lost value.
In addition, many companies use the securities as collateral that they would surrender if their bets lost value.